Diary of a Dead Man

1882 Words

My dearest Famke, There isn’t a day which goes by I don’t think of you. The time we spent together were the happiest days of my life. Watching our daughter grow within you was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had. I only wish I had told you how much I loved you when I had the opportunity. Your selfless heart and kind soul was a true testament to the beauty you possess inside and out. Every day I watch our daughter and wish you could see how amazing she is. She is four now. There is you in her. I see it every day. She has a habit of pulling her lower lip, right in the center, between her teeth. You used to do this when you were thinking hard. She also has your dimple on her right cheek. I know taking her from you caused you pain. Forcing Mindy to raise a child which was not hers

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