“I will collect them when I come to say ‘goodbye’ to you,” Gerald said. It seemed to Carmella that there was a meaning in his words that Yvonne understood for again she gave him a very attractive smile before she said, “And now go downstairs while we return your sister to ’erself, very beautiful indeed, but certainly not in the taste of Monsieur Iceberg, le Marquis!” le MarquisGerald laughed before he replied, “Not much chance of that with Lady Sybil about.” “I admit she is beautiful,” Mademoiselle said, “but not as beautiful as your sister will be in a few years.” Carmella thought how kind she was being and she wished that her statement was true. She started to tell Mademoiselle that she could never be as fascinating or as clever as she was, when to her surprise as Jeanne started t