1603 Words

Also he disliked intensely having to admit he had failed in being the sort of father they expected him to be. ‘I ought to love my daughter and she ought to love me,’ he told himself. But he knew that they had only to be together for there soon to be a ferocious quarrel in which they both inevitably lost their tempers. ‘I can only hope,’ he said to himself, as he walked down towards the lake, ‘that things will be different from last time. If they are not, I will have to leave, beautiful though my home is at this time of year.’ * Now, as the Marquis picked her up and she hugged him, he thought it could not be the same child who had flounced into her bedroom. “So you have been swimming,” he finally asked. “And I can swim now, Daddy,” Pepe said excitedly. “I can really swim, just like a

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