A Fist Full of c*****e

1977 Words

Shaun struggled through a barrage of aggressive attacks before the winds shifted. While the material surrounding him wasn’t ready to give in, it did move with him.  “Mara?” he called out again, expecting whatever was out there to ruin him along with it.  “I need you,” a vision of her mirrored him.  All that he could see was her blank face, same as before, free of emotion, parrot his same words.  “What if I wasn’t your Alpha?” Mara’s vision questioned Shaun in return. “What if you were your own Alpha?” Shaun frowned at that. He counted on her for everything. It gave her back the sense of purpose she wanted. It was the very thing he stole from her when he made his shitty claim.  More versions of her stepped out from the side of the vision who spoke to him, showing Shaun glimpses of his

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