15. Unwanted Guests

1706 Words

**Nate** I open my eyes to Luca calling to me in our mind link startling me.  He was panicking and I had no clue where I even was.  The only thing I did know was that my bladder was about to explode.  I hopped out of bed, surprised that I was in a bunk beg and if it weren’t for my wolf agility, I would have landed on my ass.  I quickly made my way to the door and was very thankful to see a bathroom right across from me when I opened it.  I rushed in to relieve the pressure, not even caring to close the door behind me.  Once I had that under control, I replied to Luca to make sure I heard him right when he told me to meet him outside. “Dude, where are we?  What’s going on?”   “Hurry the hell up!  We’ll go over everything later, but we are in the coven and you need to get your ass out her

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