
2130 Words

V Four days after the wedding, the berlin in which they were to travel to Marseilles arrived. After the anguish of that first night, Jeanne soon became accustomed to Julien’s kisses and affectionate caresses, though their more intimate relations still revolted her. When they went away she had quite regained her gayety of heart, and the baroness was the only one who showed any emotion at the parting. Just as the carriage was going off, she put a heavy purse in her daughter’s hand. “That is for any little thing you may want to buy,” she said. Jeanne dropped it into her pocket and the carriage started. “How much did your mother give you in that purse?” asked Julien in the evening. Jeanne had forgotten all about it, so she turned it out on her knees, and found there were two thousand fran

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