1100 Words
In the beginning, the world was filled with magic pollen. It's called Magici, if one pollen only, and magicus if there are millions present around the world. These magicus are pollens that float around the world; a world covered in darkness, but then, a certain Goddess came down to earth and gave us light. She has many names, but two of her most famous names are Selene, from the Greek, and Luna, from the Romans. The Goddess spoke in a very soft yet stern voice. “ Because I dislike the darkness, I shall bid you farewell, darkness of Gazina,” she said, then, a bright light came from her palms and gave it to the world called Gazina. Gazina is the world where all beings are living now. Beings that are not normal for ordinary humans. Beings like Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Wizards, and many more. Anything that a mere human cannot understand is alive in this world. Gazina used to be a place of dark and miserable life, yet, with the help of the Goddess Luna, every living being in this world was granted light. And before the Goddess returned to heaven, she made the dragons much superior to the other races because the dragons alone can absorb the fallen pollen of Magicus. The dragons used these magicus to make the lives of everyone in the world fair and better. However, peace did not last long. The weaker dragons lost control of their power and wreak havoc up in the sky of Gazina, and the other races begin to envy the dragons' power. They wanted to have the power of the dragons, and so, the mass m******e of the legendary dragons occurred. Dragons killing other dragons; other races with ill intentions also attacked other wounded or helpless dragons. The dragons were killed, and now, none of them are left in this world, but, with their enormous amount of magicus, some of the most powerful dragons are able to leave a part of their bodies behind. By doing this, someday, they can be revived and, once again, rule the world of Gazina and lead it to its greatness, as they remove all ill-will in this world, just like what the Moon Goddess hoped to be. As the dragons wait for the day of their return, their faithful servants and followers are the ones in charge of protecting and taking care of the parts that their master left behind. And just like the other races, the werewolves, elemental witches and wizards, have their own master dragon. The werewolves, specifically the Frostbane pack, serve the Nature Dragon, named Draco. They served to be the dragon's sharp claws and protectors. Together with their pack, the elemental witches and wizards served as the Nature Dragon's apprentices. The elemental witches and wizards swore their whole lives to protect and wait for their master's return. Years passed by and the two races build their own kingdoms around the Nature Dragon's heart. This heart is said to be placed inside a big moonflower, on top of a stone table; the only place in the forest where the moonlight directly shines through. In the year 1400, the place where the Nature Dragon's heart is located in between the two great kingdoms, namely, the Eatocastle Kingdom, which belongs to the werewolves, and the Majiro Kingdom, which belongs to the elemental witches and wizards, surrounding the forest of Draco. Their land is divided by a long yet shallow lake called Vadum Lacus, which literally means a shallow lake. This lake serves as the borderline between the territories of the werewolves, and the witches and wizards, when the two former leaders of each race signed a blood treaty that the two races must not interfere, indulge, and step into the other's territory, no matter what, or else, the punishment will be death. Both races are very loyal to their master, Draco, but the personal conflict between the two races did not fade even if time changed. The werewolves’s hatred towards the witches and wizards are still intact. The werewolves are angry at the witches and wizards for selfishly using their power, acting like they are the Nature Dragon itself, and instead of making themselves more useful in a physical fight, the witches and wizards would prefer to distance themselves from the enemy, which is, for the Frostbane pack, that action means weakness. On the other hand, the witches and wizards hated the werewolves for their unnecessary actions, pranks, and stunts that clearly disturb the nature around them, which means, for the witches and wizards, insulting the nature Dragon itself. Plus the fact that the witches and wizards, as they say, prefer to use their minds instead of strength and arrogance. In 1433, the Empire of Darakota has the bravest and toughest Alpha king, and the wisest and most powerful Witch Queen who leads their own race. The two were only 25 years old but they were feared by the other kingdoms, which is why no one dared to attack their empire, except the vampires. For how many years, the vampires have been very eager to conquer the land of these two kingdoms and to obtain the Heart of the Nature Dragon. No one knows why the vampires are always targeting their empire. That’s why the werewolves and the witches and wizards agreed to have a joint force when it comes to protecting their empire and Draco's heart, which gave the vampires a hard time conquering the said empire, and out of nowhere, the vampire vanished in the year 1440. When the vampires are gone, the Frostbane pack and the elemental witches and wizards focus on their own kingdoms, competing with each other. Time is quickly passing by and yet they still have no idea that there is something, very unexpected and unpredictable that happened in the middle of their conflicts. What happened in their empire? Will there be war? What if this conflict gave rise to an even worse case scenario that might result in countless deaths and sacrifices? Or...what if something else bloomed in the middle of the forest? EXCERPT: “Will you still love me, even though I'm not like you? Even if the world is against us?” Firea, a witch princess, asked as I stared straight into her eyes. “Even if it means defying my father, the alpha king, and your mother, the witch queen, I will always love you and fight for our love, my Firea,” I, the alpha’s son, a prince, replied and sealed her lips with a kiss.
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