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*THIRD PERSON's POV* “Hey! Dinner is served!!!” a woman with long brown hair shouted and started ringing a bell three times in her right hand, a sign that the meal was ready and that everyone should gather in the dining area now. After waiting for two minutes, lots of children came running towards the dining area, followed by some teenage boys and girls. “That's mine!” a young girl shouted as she started wrestling with another young boy. “Woah! Woah! Woah! Why are you two always fighting?” the woman who rang the bell earlier asked and grabbed the bamboo cup that the two children were arguing about. “He started it! This is my cup! And he always steals it,” the young girl said and glared at the young boy beside her. “There’s no name written on it so it’s not yours!” the young boy rebutted and the girl was about to attack him, but the woman quickly interrupted them and gave each child a bamboo cup. “Okay, now you both have a bamboo cup, so stop arguing, alright?” the woman said and the two children simply nodded their heads as an answer. “Now, settle down and let's wait for the others to arrive,” the woman said as she sat beside the young girl. “Sam, do you think the prince will join us for dinner?” the young girl asked the woman who rang the bell. “Hmm...I'm not sure Mia, why did you ask anyway?” Sam questioned. “N-Nothing,” Mia shyly replied and she started playing with her spoon and fork. “I know why. It’s because you have a crush on the prince,” the young boy said a little louder as he pointed at Mia. “Shut up Diego!!!” Mia yelled and threw her bamboo cup at Diego, which hit the poor boy on his forehead. “Ow!!!” Diego complained as he held his now bruised forehead. “Mia! Why would you do that?” Sam quickly went to Diego and checked his forehead. “Because he's so loud,” Mia replied and stuck her tongue out. Sam just sighed and looked after Diego. “Come on Diego, I'll take you to Doctor Matt,” Sam said, and assisted Diego as they walked towards the clinic inside the Frostbane Pack Mansion. “Wait here,” Sam said towards Diego before knocking on the door. “Come in!” a man's voice answered from the inside of the room, so Sam opened the door and led Diego in. “Doctor Matt, can you please take a look at Diego's forehead, Mia hit him with a bamboo cup,” Sam reported to the doctor as soon as they got inside the clinic. Sam saw the doctor sitting on his chair while he was scribbling something on a piece of paper. The doctor is wearing a plain white t-shirt, grey pants, and reading glasses. The doctor looked up to face her and smiled. Sam smiled back at Doctor Matt before leading Diego to sit down on a chair in front of the doctor's office table. “Let me see,” Doctor Matt said as he stood up from his chair and walked towards Diego, and checked his forehead while Sam sat down first on another vacant chair in front of Diego and checked the papers on top of the doctor's table. “What are these papers for?” Sam asked as she picked up some random papers from the table. “The Alpha requested for me to research a certain drug that could help improve the regeneration of us, werewolves,” the doctor replied as he proceeded with curing Diego's injured forehead. “So is there any progress?” Sam asked again. “Not yet, since I just started yesterday,” the doctor replied. “I see, so that’s why you were so busy yesterday, to the point that you forgot about our weekly dinner together,” Sam said in a bit irritated tone. “What? That was supposed to be yesterday?” the doctor asked, obviously clueless about the date, as he turned around and faced Sam. “Uh-huh,” Sam replied and crossed her arms on her chest. “Oh, I am so sorry my love, I was so busy yesterday that I wasn’t able to remember. Please forgive me, I promise I will make it up to you,” Doctor Matt said as he kneeled on one knee in front of Sam, who simply raised her right eyebrow at him. Doctor Matt grabbed Sam's hands and started planting small kisses on top of them, which made Sam smile, but she quickly hid still and pretended to still be mad at her mate, Doctor Matt. “I’m so sorry,” Doctor Matt said and stood up, then leaned forward to kiss Sam on her lips, but then Sam saw Diego watching the two of them, so she pushed her mate's face away from her. “Are you done checking Diego?” Sam questioned. “Yes, my love, I already finished checking and curing his wound,” the doctor replied, and tried again to kiss his mate, but still failed to do so. Sam stood up and gently pulled Diego out of the clinic but before she closed the door behind her, she spoke again. “Let's talk later, for now, join us for dinner,” Sam said and smiled at Doctor Matt, who was still sad about not being able to kiss his mate, but then he fully understood why Sam was acting like that, after all, he had forgotten about the important day of the week for him and Sam. “Are you coming or not?” Sam called out again, so Doctor Matt quickly followed Sam and joined the rest of the pups to dinner. As they all enjoy the dinner prepared by the chefs, also werewolves, the alpha suddenly arrives with his faithful Beta and Gamma trailing behind him. When they all felt the presence of the alpha inside the room, everyone stood up and bowed their heads towards the alpha. “Alpha Demino!” a young female werewolf approached the alpha and sweetly smiled at him. “Hey there pup,” Alpha Demino replied and, messed the young girl's hair, who giggled at the attention she got. “Alpha, it’s delightful to see you,” Doctor Matt greeted the alpha, who simply nodded at him. “Would you like to join us for dinner, your majesty?” Sam asked the Alpha king. “I would love to, but I still have something else to do, so maybe next time,” Alpha Demino replied and proceeded to the stairs, followed by the Beta and Gamma. “He’s so busy today,” Sam commented as she took her seat again. “Well, today is Orationibus Nocte, I think the alpha is just preparing for that,” Doctor Marr replied and took a spoonful of rice with a slice of barbecue meat. “You’re going to attend tonight's ritual, right?” Sam asked, and the doctor simply nodded his head towards her since his mouth was still full. “Hey, Sam, have you seen the prince?” another werewolf approached Sam and asked for the prince's whereabouts. “No, I haven’t seen him since this morning, why?” Sam replied. “Well, the alpha told me to help the prince prepare for the ritual tonight and I have been looking all over the mansion but I can’t find him,” the she-wolf answered. “Hmm, where could he be?” Sam asked. “Have you checked the lake?” Doctor Matt asked before drinking a glass of water. “No, not yet, but I will go and check it out. Thank you doc,” the she-wolf said and left. “Why on the lake?” Sam asked her mate. “ I don’t know, it’s just a guess,” Doctor Matt replied and smiled at his mate. “Oh dear Goddess, I hope the prince is safe, and far from danger or any witches or wizards,” Sam prayed. “He’ll be fine, after all, he is Alpha Demino's son,” Doctor Matt said as a matter of fact. “But he is still a pup and pups are not allowed to wander into the forest at night, all alone,” Sam reminded her mate. “Okay, okay, just relax, I will help look for your nephew,” Doctor Matt said and hugged Sam. “I wonder if Big Brother knew about his son's disappearance,” Sam uttered and sighed. “Don’t worry, we'll find him,” Doctor Matt said as he gently rubbed his warm hand on Sam’s back. As the other werewolves are busy looking for the prince, the young and playful prince was secretly observing them using his monocular, a gift from his father, when the alpha travelled to a neighboring Werewolf kingdom. “You won’t be able to find me,” the young prince whispered as he slowly walked out of the mansion and ran towards the forest. He saw the sentinels patrolling the forest, and some of them even noticed the prince, but they simply ignored him as they knew already how playful the prince could be. The prince runs towards the center of the forest where ten of the best warriors of their packs are guarding the Heart of the Nature Dragon. As the prince approaches the moonflower, a warrior stopped him and told him to go back to the mansion, since pups like him are not allowed to wander around the place without any adult wolf accompanying him. “Let’s go, your highness, I’ll take you back to the mansion,” a warrior he-wolf said and tried to grab the prince’s hand, but he ran off and shouted, “No! I don’t want to go back!” “Prince Dustan! Wait, your highness, you're not allowed to wander into the forest all by yourself!” the warrior yelled back and ran after Prince Dustan. With his small figure, the prince was able to run away from the warrior he-wolf, but he knew it wouldn’t be that long before he would be caught, so he ran towards the lake and climbed his favorite tree; a mango tree. He quietly waited for the warrior wolf to pass through the area and left before the prince relaxed himself on a branch. “Piece of cake,” the young prince uttered, and leaned his back to the tree as he stared up into the night sky. He saw a glimpse of the full moon behind a cloud and as he enjoyed watching the moon, he noticed the biggest and brightest star. “Wow, that’s a new kind of star,” the prince whispered as he extended his hand up and tried to reach out for the star. “I wonder if that’s mom,” Prince Dustan whispered and smiled. “Hey there mom,” the young prince whispered again, and he was about to fall asleep when he heard footsteps, so he quickly held his lips with his hands and looked around. Then he saw something moving from the other side of the lake. So he fixed his position and grabbed his monoculars. “If it’s from that side of the lake, then it’s a monster, but I wonder what it looks like,” the prince uttered as he observed the other side of the lake with his monocular in his right hand. As the prince waited for the monster, he was also a bit scared at the thought of the monster, since he was still a young pup and he still couldn’t change into his wolf form, he would be powerless against the monster. The prince gulped as he waited for the monster to reveal itself. The footsteps grew louder and louder each passing time and then a figure came out from the forest. It was a young girl, about the same age as him. “What? Is that really a monster?” the prince softly whispered as he observed the young maiden. The young girl is wearing a beautiful white dress. Prince Dustan was so focused on the girl on the other side of the lake that she started splashing water all around her. She’s so funny. Is this her first time playing with water? The young prince thought to himself and tried to move a little bit but he accidentally dropped his monocular, which caught the attention of the young maiden across the lake. The prince quickly hid and prayed to the Moon Ggoddess that the monster did not see him. After a few seconds, he tried to peek into the young maiden and he saw her looking exactly at the tree where he was hiding, so he hid again. Please don’t eat me! Please don’t eat me! The prince prayed in his thoughts as he closed his eyes when he heard a woman's voice, so he quickly took a look and saw a black-haired woman. “There you are!” the woman said loudly, so Prince Dustan hid his small figure behind the tree. “What’s wrong?” he heard the woman speak again. “I thought I saw someone there,” Prince Dustan heard the voice of the young maiden, which sounded like an angel to him, and his curiosity about the young girl increased, so he peaked again and made sure that the woman with the young maiden would not be able to see him. He saw the young girl hugging the woman while the woman was looking at the trees around him. “Don’t mind that, for now, we should go back and finish your preparations, your brother is waiting for you,” the woman said and carried the young girl, who immediately hugged the woman as she walked away from the lake. Prince Dustan slowly and carefully climbed down the mango tree and when he turned around, he bumped into Doctor Matt and quickly grabbed his hand. “Why you playful little devil, you know the rules, pups are–“ “Pups are not allowed to wander inside the forest alone,” the prince cut off the doctor's words and rolled his eyes. “Your auntie is worried about you,” Doctor Matt said. “Well, she keeps acting like she’s my mom but she’s not,” the young prince frowned. “That’s because she loves you, Dustan,” Doctor Matt said, and messed the young prince's hair. “What are you doing in the lake anyway?” the doctor asked, and then Prince Dustan remembered he had seen the young girl he saw. “I saw a monster, Uncle Matt,” the prince said while smiling. “A monster? What does it look like?” the doctor inquired as they continued to walk back to the mansion. “It’s just a small girl,” the prince answered, which caught the attention of the doctor. “Did you talk to her?” the doctor questioned, and the prince shook his head as a no. “No, because there’s another woman who came and called her,” the prince replied. “I see. That’s good, remember your highness, don’t talk to the monsters from the other side of the lake, alright?” the doctor said. “Why not? They don’t look scary,” the young prince said and looked up to the doctor. “They may not look like it, but they are monsters who give curses to others, like our ancestors,” the doctor replied. “Curses? Like what?” the pup prince asked. “Nevermind that, for now, you should take a bath and change your clothes, you need to get ready for tonight's ritual,” Doctor Matt said, and opened the main door of the mansion where Sam greeted them with an angry look on her face. “And where did you come from, young pup?” Sam angrily asked the young prince, who quickly hid behind his uncle. “I saw him in the lake, and he said he saw a monster,” Doctor Matt said, which shocked his mate. “What!?” Sam uttered and quickly grabbed the prince and checked every corner of his body. “Are you alright Dustan? Did the monster hurt you? Did they do something to you?” Sam worriedly asked as she kept checking the prince's small body. “No, they did not. I wasn’t even able to talk to them,” the prince replied, which calmed Sam down. “Oh thank Goddess, you’re alright,” Sam said and hugged the prince. Then Sam quickly grabbed the prince's right ear and pinched him. “Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts!” Prince Dustan complained, but Sam didn’t care at all. “That’s your punishment for disobeying the rules and for making me worry about you!” Sam said. “Ow! I promise I won’t do it again! Please, Auntie Sam, let go of my ear,” the prince pleaded. “Promise?” Sam asked while raising her right eyebrow. “Yes, yes, I promise, I promise,” the young prince responded, so Sam let go of his ear, then the prince ran towards the stairs while shouting. “As if I'll listen to you, old lady!” “What the–“ Sam was about to follow the young prince but Doctor Matt stopped her while chuckling. “Haha just let him go,” the doctor said, and hugged Sam from behind. “Oh, I really don’t know what's going on inside that child's head,” Sam uttered as she massaged her temples. “Well, he's safe now, so don’t worry too much about it,” Doctor Matt said. “Shall we prepare for the ritual too?” the doctor invited and Sam simply sighed before nodding her head at her mate. “Let’s go,” Sam said, and the two of them went to their room to prepare for the night of prayers for the Nature Dragon, Draco, and the Moon Goddess, Luna.
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