Chapter 19

1568 Words

*THIRD PERSON's POV* As Lady Sam heard the deep growling voice from her unconscious nephew, she immediately placed the medical book on the bedside table and held the right hand of the Crown Prince in order to assure the young werewolf that he was not alone, as he went through a painful phase of his life as a werewolf, especially for the Crown Prince since he is a direct descendant of the pure blooded werewolves called Frostbane. "Dustan, your Auntie Sam is here," Lady Sam whispered to the Crown Prince as she firmly held on to the hand of Prince Dustan, and after a few seconds of growling and twisting in pain, Prince Dustan was able to calm down and his growling, animal voice had switched back to his normal and humanly voice, but the pain is still circulating within the body of the Crown

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