Chapter 29

3111 Words

*THIRD PERSON's POV* 2 Days Later "Is everything prepared?" the Alpha King, Alpha Demino, asked while he, his beta, and the hunter's leader are walking their ways towards the training ground, which was located in the backyard of the Frostbane mansion. "Yes, Your Majesty. Though, I am not sure if the guardians will be able to keep up with the babbling of the werewolves in the built-up tents in the training room," Lark answered towards the Alpha King. "How about the healer? Will he be able to keep up with the young werewolves?" ALpha Demino asked again as they stepped out of the backdoor of the mansion. "I asked him about that earlier before I reported to you, Your Majesty, and Doctor Matt said he will be fine as long as the Salutaries will assist him in healing the patients, even only

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