Chapter Thirty

944 Words

Chapter Thirty**Annabelle** Should I burst into laughter or keep it to myself? The look on Stephanie's face is kinda priceless. She turned red, like red freaking hot. A new guy which I assumed was in the force totally saved Ava. He rushed after her and I couldn't get a glimpse of what went on inside. I didn't really care though, Ava and her innocent baby was fine. I wouldn't have indirectly caused the death of two people. "You look a little red Stephanie. Go cool off." I mocked, each utterance dripping with sheer sarcasm. "Shut up!" She screamed siphoning all her anger and slapped me as hard as she could. "I'll have to fix this. You just wait, I'll be back " She wanted to leave. I sighted a mobile phone in the back of her pocket. "Wait. Something's happening." I made her focus o

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