Chapter Eighteen

1214 Words

Chapter Eighteen**Annabelle** From the window in my room, I peaked outside and he was still there. Two f*****g hours, he hasn't moved. Same spot, same position. I got home and took a shower laying in my room and watching a movie. I ordered a pizza and when the doorbell rang, I thought it was the delivery guy. Imagine my shock when it turned out to be Fallon. The nerve of him. I did the next best thing, I shut the door on him just the way I had shut him out of my life four months ago. After the first hour, I figured he would leave but he didn't. He just stood there and now two hours have passed and he's still there. I contemplated on going there and making him leave but that might give him the idea that I care which I don't. I came back to fulfil my dream, build up the plaza I've alwa

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