Chapter Thirteen

1130 Words

Chapter Thirteen**Annabelle** The air was thick, only our breathing could be heard. If a pin was to drop, it would echo, loud as a talking drum. His question literally made time freeze, giving me a re-think. Did I regret falling in love with him?. My brain tried to process it, find a comeback, or at least a suitable answer. To offer him an answer, I would have to know. Right now, I had no idea if I did or not. No matter how hard it is to admit, Fallon gave me a lot of happy memories, he broke me completely, but he also made me extremely happy, so did I regret falling in love with him? The answer is a big no. But he doesn't have to know that. "I regret everything that has to do with you so yes I do regret falling in love with you." I blinked after my statement, making sure my voice didn'

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