Chapter 7 Potions

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Kiara had hoped for clarity in the morning. Instead, her mind was not clearer when it came to Eli. She was wrapped in his warm embrace, and she had never slept that well. She felt like they belonged together. His strong cinnamon scent had blended in with her own. For a moment, she wished that it wasn’t morning so he could hold her longer. She had wanted time for herself. She wanted to discover more of who she was. What was she doing when she was denying what her body was telling her? Maybe this was part of her journey of self-discovery? She was of royal blood, so she was certain that if Eli was her mate she would know. Even with the stronger barrier… she would still know, right? And when she met Eli at the fairy kingdom, they were under a barrier, but would that barrier have blocked the mate senses too? Though, after she had s.ex with Eli, that was when this connection between them formed. The more she was around him, the stronger it was getting. When they had se.x did it connect them somehow? Maybe there was a connection between them. She wasn’t saying she was ready to jump into a love-struck relationship. She was going to keep an open mind though. She would keep these things to herself and take her time to discover Eli. She didn’t know much about him and now was her chance. She told Eli she wanted to be friends… she admitted it was hard. She wanted his touch and desired his lips… and other things. She didn’t know Eli though. What if this was his game? Could he have taken something to make her feel drawn to him? Like a s****l enchantment? If it was real, then she needed to know what he was like even more. Was he someone she could put her trust in? Was he someone who wouldn’t break her? After she saw her cousin last night, she did realize something. And that was she wanted a love like that. She wanted someone who would become a wreck without her. The devotion Dylan has for Ava is something she knew she needed in her life. She wondered if this was something she could only have with a fated mate. Sure, Shawna and Brock obviously have something special between them, but would that change if they met their fated mates? She felt lips brush over the top of her head, and she opened her eyes to see his hazel eyes gazing at her. The moment she opened her eyes, another reality hit her. He was naked. “Good morning. Are you feeling better?” Eli asked as his fingers brushed her hair from her face. He watched as she smiled and shrugged. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her lips looked delicious. The sound of his phone chimed and he sighed. “That would be my brother. We are supposed to meet this morning for a chat. “How long have your brother and Shawna been together?” Kiara asked and watched as Eli smiled. “For a long time. I feel like they were always together. They played together as children and then fell in love.” Eli sat up and noticed how Kiara averted her gaze from him. He chuckled and leaned his head back down, kissing her temple. “You don’t have to look away. You’ve seen it all… touched it all… and as far as I am concerned, it’s all yours when you want it.” She wanted to scream at him not to tempt her, but if he knew how close she was to giving in… “I need to get ready for class.” She cleared her throat, rolling to the other side of the bed. “What class do you have first?” Eli asked with a smile as he watched the flustered woman picking out her clothes for the day. “Uhm, it is potions.” “We should have compared our schedule. I hope I have a couple of classes with you. I have demonology first.” Eli sighed as his lips curled down. “I wanted to walk you to class…” “Go and meet your brother. I am perfectly capable of getting to class.” Kiara turned to look at him, but her eyes didn’t meet with his. Instead, it landed on his more than willing soldier that was at full attention. She bit on her inner lip and then looked away. “We are supposed to be a couple, remember? We need to keep up the charade, right?” “What you mean is you want everyone else to think we are a couple.” Kiara listened as he chuckled. “Don’t expect me to deny it. As far as I am concerned, you are my future Mrs. I am just waiting on you.” How could he be so sure of that? She didn’t understand how he was this ready to commit already. What if this feeling was temporary? What if he finds a mate and leaves her? She walked over to the bathroom and paused outside of the door. “You can’t know that already.” “Don’t tell me how I feel. You might need more time and that is fine. But I already know it’s you.” “And when you meet your fated mate?” Kiara felt the bitter taste in her mouth as she said the words., was she really this insecure? Where was her confidence? “You are putting too much thought into labels. Who cares? Does any of that really matter? It is just another type of connection, but it is up to each person what they choose. Jhett left you for his fated mate. He had a choice in all of that. He could have chosen you if he wanted to. He didn’t… so you know what that tells me? It tells me his feelings for you weren’t real or at the very least shallow.” She closed her eyes and swallowed. She already knew that and that is what had hurt. That his feelings for her were not real. He didn’t want her… he was after her title. The memories she had with the two of them together were all a lie. She felt Eli’s hands on her shoulders as the heat of his chest caressed her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” “It’s not like I didn’t already know that…” “He was a fool… the greatest mistake of his life was letting go of you. I won’t ever make that mistake.” Eli pressed his nose in her hair, inhaling her vanilla scent. Touching her… holding her comforted his beast. Whatever the reason was, she was someone he needed by his side. Fated mate or not, it didn’t matter. This feeling was for someone he was meant to be with. Just like what Brock had with Shawna. They belonged together. "I'm never letting you go." “So, after two nights together you are wanting to become mates?” “No…. after one night with you I was ready for that. Now, each night after that, it is just me waiting for you.” Kiara turned in his arms and looked up at him. She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t going to shut him out though. She already decided she wanted to learn more about Eli and their connection. Still, his conviction was overwhelming… in a good way. She smiled and pushed his chest. “Get out of here and meet your brother. I need you to fill me in on what is going on.” There was a hunger in his eyes that she recognized and desired too. And had he reached for her she knew she wouldn’t have resisted. Part of her wanted him to. Instead, she watched as he took in a deep breath and then smiled at her. “Do you have any classes around noon? I don’t... if you want to have lunch together.” “Lunch it is.” Kiara was making sure to keep eye contact, but even still her peripheral vision was definitely looking at something else. “Have a good first class… Kia.” He winked at her and then walked out of the room. Leaving Kiara, a bit dazed as she tried to fight off the hunger she was feeling. When she finally walked out of the bedroom ready for the day, Eli was gone. On the table was a note with a toasted bagel. Make sure you eat first. Sorry I had to leave like I did but I was afraid if I stayed you wouldn’t be attending classes today. I’ll see you soon so don’t miss me too much. -Yours- Eli Kiara smiled and sat the note down. She grabbed the bagel and walked out the door. She felt a sweet warmth inside of her as she thought about him. She had to admit that it seemed like with each passing moment she was finding herself thinking of him more and more. She was licking her fingers of the bagels residue when she made it to her class door. Potions… great. She had never been interested in this class, but it was a requirement. She walked inside and took a seat in the front. She was just grabbing her book when she felt a presence next to her. She turned her head to see a set of gray eyes smiling at her. “Kiara, we meet again.” “Draven,” Kiara said and then sighed. “You have to stop creeping up on people.” She watched as a smile spread across his face that quickly faded as he looked up. “Just perfect.” He mumbled in an agitated tone. Kiara glanced up and her lips parted in shock. She stood up and raced to the front of the class to the professor’s desk. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Kiara asked as a crooked smile spread on the person’s lips in front of her. “Everything is fine… you are looking at your professor of potions.” Loki said as he winked at Kiara. Professor… so those were the accommodations Shawna and Brock were making. They were setting up roles for them at the university so their presence wouldn’t be suspicious. I guess this was the best they could do for now. Ava and Skylar would be attending classes too and this would be the best way to have a constant presence around them. She pursed her lips together and nodded her head. She looked into his eyes for a moment, curious if there was anything else they had discovered. Of course, there wasn’t. Everything just happened and they were all still scrambling. “Have a good first day of class, professor.” Kiara smiled and then turned to walk back to her seat where Draven was eyeing her curiously. “Do you know who that is?” “Our potions professor.” Kiara said as his stormy eyes searched her. “I mean… who he really is.” Kiara looked at the serious expression on his face and watched as his eyebrows raised. His lips were tilted as he kept his gaze on her. “You do… which is even more interesting.” She didn’t have a chance to respond as Loki spoke up introducing himself to the class. He began to talk about the class and what they would be studying. She was still looking at Draven. Did he really know Loki was the warlock prince? And if he did… who did that make him? Only leaders would know what the princes looked like since they were under an illusion spell until they were crowned. Was Draven the leader of the shadow vampires? Their prince. The vampires also had royalty of their own. However, they set themselves apart from the other royal families. They weren’t interested in taking on a leadership role and just took care of themselves. It was the four great clans that rose in power. They helped take care of the other species and defeat demons. During that time the vampires didn’t want any part of it. They didn’t choose any side but their own. “Sorry I am late!” Fvck! This wasn’t happening?! Kiara winced as she looked up at the voice. It was Courtney waltzing into the classroom. Her eyes met with Kiara’s and there was something that flashed in her eyes. “You aren’t a child. There is no excuse to be late. Especially on the first day.” Loki said in an agitated voice. “I know. My mate and I lost track of time… we didn’t get much sleep last night.” Courtney’s eyes flashed over at Kiara again. Seriously? Kiara understood she was mates with Jhett. She knew how all of that worked. Did Courtney need to broadcast it. She was mortified as she began to head her way. “Can I sit there?” Courtney asked, pointing at the seat Draven was in. “I know Kiara and—” “No, go away.” Draven said, not even looking at her. “Actually, since you are already standing, it looks like we have a volunteer,” Loki said with a hint of amusement. Uh oh. Even Kiara knew this wasn’t a good thing. “I was just explaining to the class the effects of these plants and how important it is to be able to recognize the difference.” He grabbed a tray and motioned at them with his eyes. “Pick two and eat them. Don’t worry nothing here is a lethal combination. Let’s see if you have a basic understanding of plants.” She quickly glanced at the tray and her eyes widened. He was such a prankster. Every one of those plants caused effects. There wasn’t a safe plant on his tray. No matter what combination, there would be an interesting, combined side effect. She couldn’t hide the small smirk that spread over her lips. What would she choose? One combination of the plants would cause her skin to turn orange, another would make her legs numb, and… Her lips parted as she watched the plants Courtney chose. “Luckily, I know all about plants,” Courtney said arrogantly. “Do you now?” Loki grinned as he watched the leaves she picked. “Yep, I hardly need a class like this, but it is mandatory. This here when combined is like a vitamin.” Courtney waved the leaves in her hand, and Kiara had to choke down the snicker. “This is going to be good.” Draven’s lips brushed over her ear in an almost inaudible whisper. She glanced over at him to see a smile resting on his face as he looked at Courtney. Courtney smugly ate the two leaves and shrugged. “See.” Loki leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “I hope you enjoyed your night with your mate because you won’t be enjoying him for a while.” “What do you me—” Courtney stopped mid-sentence as the panic reached her eyes. Then she sprinted out of the room and Kiara snorted with laughter, cupping her hand over her mouth. “Class, that was not a vitamin combination. Who knows what it did?” Loki asked, and looked out over the quiet class. Kiara was about to speak up when Draven beat her to it. “It is a laxative. One that works almost instantly and lasts for days.” Draven said with a cool air as his eyes clashed with Loki’s. There was definitely something there. Loki didn’t seem like he was a fan of this guy, but he swallowed it down and nodded his head. “That’s correct.” Loki then looked back over the class. “This is why it is so important to REALLY know your plants and what mixes do what. I think the hands-on approach is one of the best ways to learn. So, remember this and study hard.” “But this is a potions class.” One of the students spoke up. “And we will be studying all the different ingredients we need to make potions. You need to be able to identify the various ingredients necessary—” “That is what our biotic and abiotic class is for.” “Wrong. That class is for studying the living and non-living magical components around us. This class is about what you can mix together to create something more. You need to know that if you combine a frog's liver with a Serva leaf that it has a purifying effect. But if you mix a frog’s liver with a Terish leaf it will leave you incapacitated. The two leaves are ALMOST identical. You must know the difference. And I will be testing your knowledge just like I did today… so prepare.” He was definitely enjoying this. She knew she would have to really study because Loki was going to use this class for his amusement. She didn’t want chronic diarrhea or worse. Kiara glanced over and Draven seemed very relaxed. He didn’t look intimidated at all. “Alright, everyone grab a partner and come pick up a tray. Make sure you can identify everything seamlessly. Once you can you are free to go. You’ll be quizzed on it in the morning.” Loki grinned as students began to come up and take a tray with various objects on it. They all looked anxious now. “I’ll get ours.” Draven said and stood up. She never said they would be partners, but as she glanced around it looked like everyone had already paired up. He sat back down next to her looking bored. “You seem pretty relaxed…” Kiara said and watched a crooked grin reach his lips. “I’m well studied.” “You are?” Kiara asked and inched closer to him. “You know about potion making?” Draven chuckled and nodded his head. “You need some help?” “I only know the basics… I really don’t want to end up with chronic diarrhea.” Kiara said nervously as Draven laughed. “I wouldn’t let it happen. I wouldn’t let you ingest something that would a bad effect.” “Yeah, well there isn’t much we can do with the professor making his quizzes hands on.” She listened as he snorted. “Professor…” Draven scoffed, but then focused on Kiara. “How do you know him…” He then leaned his head closer, and Kiara felt his breath upon her skin. “We can talk about it later… maybe during one of our studying sessions?” Kiara eyed him and then nodded her head. She wanted to know how he knew who Loki was as well, but she had a feeling that the answer was obvious. “We can skip over the basics. It is the more complex stuff I am horrible at.” “You won’t be by the time I am done with you. I’m experienced.” Draven winked at her as she coughed. It was obvious the hidden meaning he had behind that message. “As a friend,” She stressed the word, “I really appreciate the help. There are also things I wanted to talk to you about… it’s a bit personal if you don’t mind.” Kiara wanted to ask him how he was able to move on after being betrayed by his fiancé and best friend. “I don’t mind at all. We can plan to study this evening in the library. I can text you when I am free.” “Yes, that works.” Kiara then looked at the tray in front of her. “I know most of these combinations. I am only confused about this.” She said, pointing to some yellow dust in a jar. “Lung pollen. By itself, it can have a relaxing effect. It is mixing it where its power stands out. If you mix it with the bat wings, it becomes a drawing salve. If you mix it with the Worm Root, you’ll have a potion that will knock someone unconscious for a few days. And if you mix it with rose buds, you’ll have a love potion…” Draven wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled. “A love potion?” Kiara asked, feeling a bit more interested in this mixture. “It gives off the sense of the mate pull. You feel attached to the person who you see first after you drink it. The attachment grows, making you feel like you need the person. Some have used this when they have arranged mates or marriages.” “How long do the effects last?” Kiara asked and watched as he shrugged. “A few days or so depending on the potion. There is one potion that lasts a couple weeks, but it is tougher to make. Since it is easy to administer more doses, the other ones are usually used. There are a few mixtures that do the same thing. The one with honeysuckles and frog mucus was used to trick two enemies into getting married. Then, after the marriage, they stopped administering the potions to both people. By that time, it was too late. Which is why I am always careful who I accept food and drink from.” Kiara’s lips parted in shock as she stared at the tray in front of her. She had drinks with Eli. He brought her food last night and had food prepared for her today… Could he have? It would explain the strange infatuation she had with him. But he seemed like he was just as affected as she was. “Is there anyway to tell if someone has ingested it?” Kiara asked, and Draven scratched his chin. “Maybe someone like our professor would be able to tell. Or some of the more powerful fairies.” Draven shrugged. “The easiest thing to do would be to make the antidotes to check if you are under the influence. Since you can’t always trust what others say.” “Is there a universal antidote? Or do you need to make one per potion?” Draven laughed. “You are really curious about this one, huh? There isn’t a universal one. You would need to make a counter potion for each one. The effects are immediate, so a person would know right away if they were tricked.” Kiara played with her fingers as she bit her inner lip. Could someone have tampered with both her and Eli? Maybe the stuff at the fairy kingdom was laced with potions to distract others but it was never drank. And her and Eli were still under its effects since it has only been a couple of days. She couldn’t find a logical reason that Eli would be keeping her under a potion. She was already stuck living with him, and he wouldn’t gain anything by taking her as his mate. It was a possibility that the alcohol they consumed was spiked with love potions. To make everyone mate crazy. She felt a strange sadness crawl over her. If this was all just some potion, then the feelings he had for her weren’t real and neither were hers. And while this provided a realistic explanation, it put a sour taste in her mouth. “Do you think you could show me how to make the counter potion for the one that lasts a couple weeks?” Kiara asked and watched as Draven eyes her curiously. “I guess I can, but it takes a few days to complete and that’s if it brews correctly. The counter potion is a bit advanced, but I’m sure we can get it.” “I’d like to have it just for safety reasons.” Kiara shrugged with a smile. “Alright, we will work on it tonight.”
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