Chapter 5 Dylan

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Kiara walked down the freshly painted hall. Everything was newly constructed as a means to further accommodate mates and student couples. Originally, she had thought it would be fun to have a roommate. Of course, that was before she ended up in the couple’s dorms with Eli. On top of that, her cousin was on his way here and Ava may not know him. She had to find a way to stop the exploding curse. She would bury herself in the books and study. There had to be something. Very few curses didn’t have a workaround. Even if it was rare… she would do whatever she could. She may not have decided on remaining a general in the lycan army, but she would still help. Dylan was her cousin and Ava was her friend. She looked up as Eli opened a door at the end of the hall. He stepped inside and she followed behind him. Wow. This wasn’t just a dorm room. There was a small kitchen and living room immediately upon entering. At the wall across from her was a door. She opened it to see the bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. Her eyes widened as she settled on the bed. Bed. As in one. There was one queen size bed in the bedroom. Of course, it was a couple’s dorm. Why would there be two beds? “So, this is where the magic happens?” Eli said with a smirk. Kiara snorted and turned to look at him. A small smile reached her lips as she pointed behind him. “There is a couch in the living room.” Kiara watched as he stared at her. “I have no problems sleeping together.” Eli shrugged as Kiara scoffed at him. “I’ll sleep on the couch since I have the problem with it.” She shrugged and looked back at her luggage that had already been brought in. She felt his large hands slide around her waist from behind. “Do you really think I would make you sleep on the couch, beautiful? You take the bed. If you feel more comfortable sleeping apart, I will take the couch. I sleep naked so feel free to sneak a peek when you need material…” Kiara exhaled and stepped away from him. “Really that ego Eli—” “Confidence, love. Besides I should be confident. You didn’t act like you didn’t like what I was serving last night.” “Okay will you leave so I can change.” Kiara watched as he arched a brow at her. “I’ve seen you naked.” A smug smile spread across his face. “And I’ve already tasted everything so—” “Well not today you haven’t” “We can remedy that.” She clicked her tongue as he laughed raising his hands up. “Alright my feisty vanilla bean. You can have your privacy.” He winked at her as he shut the door. him and his ego. And herself for being attracted to him. She grabbed her clothes and decided to take a quick shower. She was now just waiting to hear from Kayden. She knew he would let her know as soon as he heard anything. This moment was showing her a lot. If she steps down as a general, it would be a lot like this. She wouldn’t be constantly in the loop and would only find out later from Dylan and Kayden. She walked out of the bathroom after she finished dressing and picked up a delicious scent. She headed out of the bedroom and could see Eli sitting at the table with several plates of food. “I took the liberty of getting us food… hungry?” He arched a brow as he stood up. “Which would you prefer me or…” He chuckled and pulled a seat out across from him. He waited until she walked over, and he pushed the seat in for her. Before he walked away though he took a moment to kiss the top of her damp hair. “You are stunning, Kiara.” Kiara cleared her throat as she decided on one of the sandwiches. “Have you heard from Brock?” “Actually, I ran into them on my way back.” Eli grinned as he watched Kiara’s eyes meet with his. “They are preparing for the worst and making arrangements for them all in case they need to stay here.” He watched as Kiara frowned and instinctively reached out placing his hand over hers. “It’s going to be okay.” He squeezed her hand gently. “It is so painful to think about. What happened to them all this time? Were they tortured and mistreated? What if they never remember their mates? Dylan can’t go on without her—” “He won’t have to. He won her heart once, right?” He watched as Kiara nodded her head. “Selfishly I wish I could keep Dylan away. I don’t want anything to happen to him. An exploding curse is terrifying. What if Dylan is near her when it happens?” Kiara felt Eli’s thumb rub over her fingers, and she retracted her hand back to her lap. “Well while they look for a way to reverse the curse, we will look for a way to protect against it.” Eli watched as her eyes brightened up. “That’s a great idea. It might be easier to find a way to protect against it.” “If Loki can’t figure out a way to remove the curse no one will. So we will look for the next solution.” He watched as a smile spread across her face. That was better. She looked much better with a smile on her face. Kiara grabbed her food feeling much better. She looked up to see Eli looking at her expectantly. “Yeah?” “Well don’t I get a reward or something?” He chuckled and pointed to his cheek. She began to laugh and shook her head. “You are hopeless, aren’t you?” “Hopelessly yours.” The two of them pleasantly talked together during their dinner. They told each other about their lives. Kiara found out that Eli is the future leader of the bears. The position was originally Brock’s, but he turned it down to live with Shawna in the fairy kingdom. Eli talked animatedly about his duties, and she could tell he was excited to be in the position. “So the general of the lycan army?” Eli said and Kiara shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean they have Kayden already. Just because we were born twins, we were both given the position. I feel like I don’t have my own identity. Kay loves being a general. It is everything to him… but I don’t know. I don’t think it is for me.” “Well, that’s good.” Kiara looked up at him flabbergasted. What did that mean? “It will be hard for you to be a lycan general if you are leading the werebear clans with me.” A crooked smile rose over his lips. “I already got burnt once on dating the chosen mate instead of the fated. I’m not sure I want to venture down that road again.” “Don’t Kiara. I am not that douchebag ex-boyfriend of yours. I’m ready to commit to you permanently.” “You don’t know me.” “I know how I feel when I am with you.” “And how long before that feeling fades?” “Is that what you are worried about? Do you think these feelings will fade? I’ve been with a lot of women. I’ve never felt this before ever. These aren’t just feelings I am going to sleep off. I know you feel it too. After our night together it was like something released that was sealed away. You are my person. I don’t care about the mate pull. I want you… I need you.” Kiara stood up and turned to walk away. “Thank you for bringing me dinner.” “Kiara…” He watched as she stopped. He stood up and walked up behind her, lowering his head to her. “I’m not going to hurt you, ever. Just give me a chance. Don’t shut me out.” He watched as she nodded her head and then walked to the bedroom. “Remember, Kiara, I sleep naked.” He grinned and then looked over at the couch. It wouldn’t be a comfortable sleep at all. His feet would hang over the edge for sure. He glanced back at the closed bedroom door. It was a start. Little by little he would stake his claim on her heart. __ Dylan jumped from the helicopter before it landed. He raced up to the gate and ran into Kayden waiting for him. “Ava?!” “Brock informed you of everything?” Kayden asked and Dylan looked around him in agitation. “Here you will need this.” He tossed a bracelet to Dylan who hastily put it on. “Dilly, I just want you to be prepared. Your mark is gone.” “Impossible. I already told Brock it wasn’t possible.” “It isn’t there—” “I don’t care what you guys say. My mark can’t be removed. It is part of her now. We will talk later. I need to see her.” Dylan practically sprinted through the gates. It was now dark, and students were heading to their dorms. The Jelly Bean would be closed at this time. His legs just moved on their own as the memories of the past raced through his mind. He was overwhelmed with nostalgia as his chest ached for his mate. He walked over towards the area where he had first met Ava, the place he proposed, their bench. Her scent hit him as he turned the corner. There she was… his beautiful mate. His eyes watered and he wanted to collapse from the overwhelming weight of it all. He took in a deep slow breath and made his way over to her. She was sitting on their bench. “Mind if I join you?” Dylan asked and he watched as her eyes lifted up to him. He glanced at her neck real quick. It was there. His mark was there. He could see it, but it was strange no one else could. He had a sense of instant relief. It was taking everything in his power to not scoop her in his arms and hold her close. Her scent was a welcoming comfort that had him almost tearing up. Gods, he had missed her. “I’m not staying long but you are welcome to sit.” Her voice was the sweetest music to his ears. He had missed her voice so much and her adorable smile. She looked at him as if he was a stranger and not her mate. He was so happy to see her and yet his chest was being torn open. He took a seat beside her making sure to casually brush her arm with his. He could feel the sparks and tingles. She looked over at him curiously but then looked back down at the book she had in her hands. There was a feral desire for her raging inside of him. He was only able to control it because he didn’t want to scare her. He needed more information about what was going on. “How is school here? Do you miss your family?” Dylan needed to test her memory. If she still remembered her brother Kain he could maybe use him to convince Ava of who she is… the Lycan Princess. “The school here is great. I do miss my family, especially my brother, but they are all busy as well. Because we are all busy it isn’t so bad.” Dylan nodded his head thoughtfully. So, she does remember her family. It was an interesting curse… and what exactly was the point of it? The two princesses were taken and then placed back here with an exploding curse, logically this was meant for the princes. They knew they would be found here, and they knew their mates would come for them. “I’m new on campus here maybe you could give me a tour?” This was what he used the first time he met her. She looked at him as if he was a parasite. “It’s late. I should be getting back to my room.” “What’s your name?” Dylan asked desperate to spend more time with her. “It’s Ava.” “My name is Dylan.” She started to get up and he instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand. She turned and looked at him startled as he let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” He released his grip as he noticed how uncomfortable she looked. “I guess I just wanted someone to talk to.” He watched as she looked at him with sympathy. “You can walk with me back to my dorm if you want?” Dylan smiled and nodded his head. She was still so sweet and concerned about others. “Thank you.” “Is everything okay?” Ava asked pursing her lips together as they began to slowly stroll down the path. “I lost someone very important to me. It was the most traumatizing experience of my life. I hadn’t talked to others in quite some time. It was really nice just to speak with you. For the first time, in what feels like forever, I didn’t feel like I was falling into darkness. I was almost lost in the abyss…” Dylan noticed Ava’s eyes were watering. He was hoping being close to him and hearing his voice would help. The bond was still there. He just had to reach her… without scaring her off. “I’m so sorry to hear that. It will get better.” “Yeah, I know it will. I need to reach out to my brother Kain again. I haven’t spoken to him in such a long time. I’m about to be an uncle.” “Wow, that is fantastic. I have a brother named Kain too.” “Is that right? What is he up too?” He watched as Ava opened her mouth at first excited to speak but then her brows knitted together with a slight frown. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I guess I am tired. I wanted to say he was out exploring but that wasn’t last year. I’ve been out traveling with my best friend this past year, so I am a bit out of the loop with my family.” Ava shrugged and moved on. Fake memories. She has been implanted with fake memories. “Well this is me here.” Ava looked over at Dylan with a smile on her face. “Pleasant dreams Ava.” Dylan curled his fingers into a ball as he forced himself to hold still. He couldn’t reach out for her… he could take her in his arms and breath in her scent. He wanted to smother her with kisses and promise to never let her go again. Instead with trembling fists, he watched her walk away. When she disappeared from his sight, he walked around the side of the building. He had to know where she was sleeping. He watched the side of the building looking at the windows looking for a sign. He looked in front of him and saw a familiar body resting his back against a tree as he looked upwards. It was Darren the dragon prince. He looked over at Dylan and nodded his head upwards to the window in front of him. Dylan glanced over and could see Ava and Sky laughing and talking together. At least they had each other. He sighed as he walked the rest of the way over to Darren. “You look like shit.” Dylan gave Darren a tired smile as he listened to his friend chuckle. “Oh yeah? Well, you don’t look like a well-groomed poodle either.” The two men chuckled tiredly together. The truth is Darren was the one person in the whole world who understood what he was going through. They often met up over the past year. They talked about their suspicions, their leads, and their mates. Darren was the only one he was either able to let everything out on or sit there quietly knowing he understood the silence. Yes, despite it all they ended up becoming close friends. “My mark is still there but no one else can see it.” Dylan watched as Darren nodded his head in agreement. “Same with Sky. It’s a very strong illusion since the royals could not see through it. It is very much there though.” Darren let out a frustrated sigh as he watched the light get turned off. “So, we are back to doing what we had to do in the first place?” Dylan gave Darren a crooked smile. “Winning their hearts without the mate pull?” “We will make them remember again. The curse is strong but not stronger than our bond. We will keep up a constant presence and give them little reminders. They are smart ladies. They will start to see the inconsistencies eventually.” Dylan nodded his head as he stared at the dark window. “I can’t leave her… I finally found her. I can’t bring myself to be away from her.” He listened as Darren hummed in agreement. Dylan and Darren stood there quietly in the night. They were both on the brink of disaster being destroyed without their mates. There was no way either one of them could leave. Not right now. It was the only little thing they could do to comfort their distraught beasts within. Tomorrow they would regroup and begin to work on a plan. Tonight… they would watch over their sleeping beauties in the cover of the dark.
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