By Surprise

1085 Words
FRIEDRICH I couldn’t possibly be more excited over the fact that I’d found my mate. Finally, I could claim my place as the heir. Refraining from our embrace, I clear my throat. “I’m sorry. I must have startled you by embracing you suddenly” She shakes her head. “It’s not a problem” I glance around. “Are you from around here? Can I take you home?” “My place is still far off from here. Like several hours far” “It’s not a problem.” I assure her. “Are you done here?” she nods. “Then, this way” I lead her to where I’d tied down my horse. “I hope you know how to mount a horse” “I’ve seen people mounting it before but have never mounted one though” I chuckled. She was cute. “There’s no need to be afraid. I’ll be right here with you so that you won’t fall. Hop on” She stepped on the mounting block, swinged her legs over the horse as she mounted on its back like a pro; taking me aback. “I thought you said you haven’t mounted a horse before” “Yes, but I did say that I’ve seen people do so. Shall we go?” Climbing onto the horse back and sitting behind her, I kicked the horse to a start as we engaged in little talks during our ride. I got to know her name was Bertha and also about the town she lived in. It wasn’t until I’d gotten to her town had I realized that was where I was headed all along. “You live here?” I inquired taken aback. Bertha cowered her head, embarrassed. “I told you it wasn’t grand” “I was heading towards this exact same place” I say as this was where Lyra’s directions had led me to. Bertha’s eyes bulged. “Don’t tell me...are you the important guest that we are expecting?” “It could be. Come on, let’s head in” I help Bertha climb down from the horse as I tie it down to a tree before we stride in. Passing through the gate, my rank and title was announced. “But how...” “It could be Agnes. She foresaw your coming so is already aware of your status” Bertha explains. “Interesting” Two girls rushed over towards me. “Greetings, alpha. We’ve been expecting you” one of the girls looked at Bertha as she whispered. “Bertha, what are you doing there? Go help them inside” Bertha was about to move but I hold her back. “She’s with me” Both girls eyes bulged but none could say anything with words only their actions. “Then right this way” The two girls lead me inside the small building where a large feast had been prepared for me. A lady in long, black gown approached me. I didn’t need to be told twice that she was Agnes as she gave off the same vibes as Lyra. “Welcome” she greets. “I’ve been expecting you”. Her gaze lands on Bertha. “I must commend you for completing your task” Bertha lets out a shy smile. “I am forever grateful to you, Agnes” “I know you must be in a haste to take Bertha but please stay and enjoy this feast I’d prepared for you” I couldn’t turn down Agnes offer. I let myself sit down and enjoy the feast she had prepared before getting straight to the point. “You already know why I’m here so let’s get straight to the point. I want to take Bertha home with me” “I understand the haste in your desire to claim the throne as the rightful heir but Bertha is just a child” Agnes states. “She’s still 18 and in school. She’s yet to graduate. I believe pulling her out of the world she’s always known into being the Luna of another pack would be too sudden of a change for her” Agnes empathy towards Bertha took me by surprise as I’d never known witches to be one to show their emotions. “You really care about her, don’t you?” “She is but a child, Alpha. It’s only natural I care for her like my very own” Agnes clarifies. “And most especially, you would need to have this conversation with Bertha’s mother rather than me” I let out a heavy sigh. “It appears so. Then how long do you reckon I need to wait before taking Bertha as my person” “If I am to be honest, I would say until she is ready. But you can give her till her graduation” “And when is that?” “In 7 months. During that span of time, I hope you would be able to fall in love with Bertha rather than seeing her as a means to succeed the throne. I don’t want that child getting hurt” “You have my words” “I’d better” Agnes calls over some girls and whisper something into their ears. Immediately a trail of dancers’ files out as they give a beautiful performance. After the dance performance, Agnes leads me to meet Bertha’s mother. Bertha’s mother expresses the same fears as Agnes but I give her assurance in the presence of Bertha. “I’ve agreed to wait until her graduation. In the span of that time, I would like to get close to Bertha. I might be coming here often” “Its not a problem, son” Bertha’s mother assures me. “After her graduation, I would like to introduce Bertha to my father and proceed with our marriage immediately after” “Would your father give his consent? As you know, we are not well-off and our town is quite small” “My father’s decisions have nothing to do with the choices I make” I assure her. “You can be rest assured that for as long as you entrust your daughter to me, I’ll do my utmost best to protect her” Bertha’s mother takes my hands in hers. “I don’t have any doubt in my mind that you would do otherwise. Welcome to the family”I smile, broadly. “Thank you, Mother”
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