Chapter Seven

1794 Words

Chapter Seven Tuesday, October 21 1:45 PM Cane Springs Test Range Nevada Test Site After NTS security troops had taken the UFO-hunting trespassers, Paige drove the government van to a line of rocky, brush-covered hills where explosives storage bunkers dotted the gullies and ridgetops. They passed through a checkpoint where a security officer in sand camouflage fatigues inspected underneath the vehicle using mirrors and a flashlight. Paige couldn’t tell if the guard was suspicious of the Russians per se, or if his job was just to be skeptical of everyone driving past his station. Warmed up to his role as tour guide, PK Dirks chatted breezily, trying to make the Russians relax. Ursov looked dourly out the van windows, as if filing away details of the emplacements, the bunkers, everyth

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