Chapter 1 (First encounter)

1389 Words
O Dear Alphabet and numbers, this can not be happening now !!! What would my parents say ? and not even speak about their social circle if they found out. This can not be happening now. Why is the universe doing this to me? I am doomed for eternity. "Calm down woman, what the hell is wrong with you pacing up and down my office?", Linda asked, looking at her best friend worried. "Can I come in?", Grace asked, and Linda immediately opened her office door for me. " OK so what is wrong you look pale?". Grace sits on the chair handing the pregnancy test stick to Linda . "I am pregnant , and I don't know what to do ?! ", Grace says, and Linda puts the test down, going to hug her friend. "Come, let's get a drink, you can't be that far along and besides I can have a drink for you and you can have one of those non alcoholic beer's". Linda said, and so the two women left the school to head to a well-known club in the area. In the meantime, Jake's father came to the office wanting to talk to Jake . Letting him in, Jake was ordering two coffee. "So did you come to check up or was golf uninteresting again today?", Jake asked his dad , and Mr. Simmons smiled, shaking his head. "No son, it was nice and guess what? I spoke to Jo Roland today and we actually had a great talk about the past and came up with a business proposition for us dad, if you agree, I can make you CEO officially, seeing it's about time for you to take over from me now asked. "What was this deal or proposition ?" Jake ask worried. His Father looks him stern in the eye, "You must marry his daughter and merge our two companies and by doing so you gain access to all their business too and that way we can both retire, move on from the past and benefit from this", He looks at his father in total shock. "Are you mad father ?, they are our rivals since forever , no ! , I will not marry his daughter". His father then gets up, walking to the door, "Fine ,but then I am sorry son , then I will ask your nephew to step into your place. I will not let this war go on. We both lost millions, so this seemed like the better plan. We are older and wiser now, so decide now or will I disown you ?", "You will really do that dad?". "Yes I will, so what say you? this is what you and I worked for son. You can run it all". Then Jake thinks a bit about all the positive things and so he agrees. "Good I will arrange it and a meeting", and just like that, his dad walks out and Jake is left to his own thoughts, which were driving him insane. I needed a drink and fast, so he hurried to his club for a much needed drink. It was still a bit early but the club was already buzzing with potential clubbers and, well, this was the place Grace met her one-night stand one or two weeks ago too, and tonight she is back ,but not for fun, oh no for having possibly her last drink ever. The bar was quiet so Linda and Grace walked over and took a seat . The song playing was one of their favorites, but Grace did not seem in the mood to dance, oh no she was angry at herself. "Can we have two beers? ,one light and one non alcoholic please", Linda say while looking to Grace. "Grace you have me and Michael at least and maybe your parents will understand and help you". "I don't know Linda, they are old school, nothing can help me now", so they get their beer's and drink and after the third one Grace wanted to vomit so she left Linda who was dancing with some guy to go cry and vomit alone ,but just as she rounded the corner for the bathroom she bumped into this big tall handsome man, he cought her just as she stumbled and helped her up. "Hey watch where you are going pretty lady, you almost made my friend see me, I am actually hiding you know", Jake says angry looking at her also seeing as if he can spot Paul, but out of spitefulness Jake pulls her to his hard chest and kisses her full on the mouth, but she shufs him from her even though his lips felt like heaven. The nerve of this man, a stranger. He then gets slapped in the face by her and he.. Then she looks paler now and a bit upset, so he steps aside, but his lips.. screamed to her again, "I so sorry sir, I just need the bath....", but before she could finish she felt the need to run to a toilet and so she was just in time, all the beer came out and she felt so much better, she cleaned her self up and went back out and there this godlike man still stood, and she on the other hand was a mess, but he smirked at her seeing she was still the most beautiful woman he has ever seen . "You fine now?", Jake says. "Yes thank you just some bad sushi I ate and you why you here still?", she says back mocking him. "Well I just came to get a drink and be left alone ,but my dad send my best friend to come rescue me from myself so now I hide and then you almost blew my cover so I kissed you and you slapped me then ran to throw up ?". He says and she feels like the earth will swallow her right about now. And while the two stand close to each other, they feel the heat between them still, this instant chemistry and the feeling of lust creeping up on them both. Grace simply smiled and just as she wanted to talk more, Linda showed up. "Oh here you are, sorry to disturb you, but your dad called. He was wondering when you would be home. He said something about dinner ?", Linda said, and that is when Grace remembered she had to be at their home for dinner tonight. Her father wanted to see her about something. "Oh man I'm so late, my mother is going to kill me, I am sorry I need to go", Grace said and tried to walk away ,but Jake took her arm. "Take care and take it easy on the sushi next time", he says and she leaves while he wonders what the hell he just felt ? , who is she.? Just then, while standing looking at her leaving, Paul finds Jake and they both smile at each other. "So you decide to hide out in the bathroom now?. "No..., yes , well I was talking to her and...". "Ya and she you refer to it Grace Rolland man!", Paul says to a shocked Jake. "Oh damn man she is my fiancée". "Yes and it seems she is indeed a beauty just like your father told me". Jake looked at his friend frowning, "You mean to tell me you know about this arranged marriage my father wants?". Paul looked away, taking a sip of his whiskey. "Yes, he asked me to draw up the contract for it and made me promise not to tell you before he did, and after he told you he asked me to come, looking for you Jake. He is worried and I am too, buddy". "Great, so now you and my dad are besties". Paul smiled, patting Jake on the back. "I'm the company lawyer, remember ?". "Ya fine, let's get a last drink. I have a headache". Jake says and so the two friends get a drink, sitting in the private lounge next to the bathroom where he has just met the most amazing woman ,yet she is his enemy that he has to marry to get his own damn company and hers. What will he do now?...
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