Chapter 18 (Dinner for two)

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It was a beautiful night out, as if the universe wanted us to get together, like it was meant to happen like this , a true romance novel. Walking to go have dinner at Jake's place made me a bit worried. What if he doesn't believe me or what if he doesn't feel the same as I do? Soon I found myself in front of his door, so I knocked and that is when I heard him telling me to enter, and I did.As I opened up the door, I saw the room was filled with candles and the smell coming from what I presume was the kitchen was marvelous to say the least. "So can I get a kiss or do you want to stand there admiring the candles all night Mrs. Roland? ". Jake tenses and all I can do is smile, this man , he will be the death of me, so I reply. "Well, it is very impressive candles Mr. Simmons", I said as he moved closer to hug me as we both moved to laugh. "Oh yes, only the best for my dinner guest, so I hope you're hungry too?". "Then I must thank you. The candles are very nice and, yes, I am thank you and the smell tells me you must be preparing a masterpiece as my mother would have put it", I say as I kiss his sweet lips and he holds me in his save and strong arms. "Oh I believe that is what she said when I saw her today", he says smiling and that is when it hit me, it's my moms stew, it must be. "What do you mean ? Did my mom help you cook ?". He smiled, taking my hand, leading me to the kitchen letting me sit pouring me some juice in a wine glass, which I thought was nice of him to do, seeing he had wine and most, probably didn't want me feeling left out. "Yes , but before you think something is up, I asked her for some help and told her we will have dinner at my place , so she sort of gave me the recipe and some tips and well here I am cooking ", "don't be mad please I wanted to do this for you and she wanted to help, she said this stew is one of your favorites, and I am no chef you know , but it doesn't taste to awful and it seems you look impressed, and you're not mad are you?". How can I be mad at this man for doing this? Getting my mom to give out recipes was not easy and if she gave it to him, he must have impressed her and he did it for me, for silly old me?."NO I'm not mad, thank you Jake. It's nice of you to do all this for me. Even if it meant asking my mother, who never gives out her recipes , so she must like you". "No trouble, I wanted to and I hope she likes me. I'll be her son-in-law soon marrying her very sexy daughter , and after last night I thought about us and I think now is a good time to talk. The food will be ready in about ten minutes or so". I nod to him so He takes my hand in his and we walk over to the couch, this is it, now I have to tell him. "Ok so what do you wanna talk about? ,I say feeling nervous, but he is so calm. "Grace I know we didn't start off well in the beginning ,but I like you and I think after last night you must know just how much , I...", he says but I stop him in mid sentence. "Jake I must stop you first, there is something I must tell you to, I feel the same as you and I think I have for a while now, last night was amazing and well the second best night of my life to be exact and well..". "What do you mean the second best night Grace?". "Oh no ,not like that , you see I mean to say the watch you kept by your bed Jake, whos watch is it?" . This felt strange but I had to ask and, just like I knew, he felt he looked away as if also having good memories ,but then his eyes turned a bit mad it seemed. "It was nothing Grace, it was a one, night stand with a woman I would most, probably never see again, but that is not important Grace she is nothing to me, but you , you are". "This was sad but it made me happy too ."Jake when you made love to her what did you feel"? . , By saying this, he stands up, rubbing his neck as if I hit a nerve. "Why is this important to you, what is going on Grace?". ", it's me Jake". I say all of a sudden and he still doesn't seem to click . "What about you Grace, what are you saying, are you jealous, is that what it is?" . "Jake, I'm not jealous , it's me, I was the woman, that watch was mine, it's mine Jake, and I only found out last night, or rather this morning as I woke up "!!. I almost shouted at him to make him really take it in,and I did. He looks so lost and shocked and me well I just keep still not knowing what he is thinking. "You mean to tell me you were my one night stand ?, the woman that ran out without even saying goodbye or even leaving her number, Grace how can it be?. "he says and this made me worried so I take the watch out of my bag showing him something only the owner would know, that being me. "Look my initials are on the watch and if you open the back its on the inside too Jake, its me, I remember it now more clearly , we made love that night and it must have fallen off and you did not have protection but I said it was ok , being very tipsy and well that is when I found out I was pregnant with your baby Jake, you were my one night stand too, and our baby's father JAKE". After getting it all out, he looked at me as if I had just hit all the air out of his lungs. He sat down on the couch again, leaving me feeling pretty alone. Jake then looked at me standing up, taking my face in his hands, kissing me like he had never kissed me before, like he was lost for words, he knew it was true. "So the baby is mine?". I looked into his eyes and smiled, he's not mad?. "Yes you are, please say something ". But then, as the last word leaves my mouth, he picks me up bridal style, walking to the bedroom while kissing me all the way there, he layed me on the bed and soon we were lost in each other again, but this lovemaking was more then passion, it was love, deep and caring love, tender and it meant so much more. "You are perfect Grace , do you know that?" Jake says into her ear as he kisses her neck. "Why so Mr Simmons?". "You made me the happiest man alive tonight , now this baby is mine and you are too and that is all I ever wanted and now knowing the truth I can't be more happy ,Grace and I swear I will not let you down or our baby". he says and as he finishes Grace looks to him kissing him knowing she now knows his answer and soon the two are once again lost in love now knowing they can be a family and nothing or nobody will keep them apart , or so they thought and hoped...

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