We have to call him Pika

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Chapter 4 Nessie My breakdown finally came when I least expected it. He was being nice. Not at all scary, but the nicest he could possibly be considering. I was actually enjoying the hot chocolate. s**t. He probably thinks I hate him. As screwed up as this situation is I actually have no feelings about him. A tad bit of anger because he picked me but personally, I feel nothing. I know we have to consummate this marriage. Within 3 days. I hope he doesn't plan to do that on this ship. I need to get it together. This is my life now. I stand up and look in the mirror. Not too bad. I look for the faucet to wash my face off, but I cant really tell where it is. I mean the shower and toilet are obvious but the sink isn't. I mess around with things until finally a stream of water appear. Huh. Touching a certain spot on the counter makes an indentation and a small waterfall. When you remove your hands it all goes away. That is cool. After I freshen up, I head back to the kitchen. Kyier is there, looking a bit down. "Hi." He looks up as I enter. "Hi." He says back. "Are you well?" "I'm ok. i think it just hit me that I'm leaving, well, I have left earth and I got a little emotional." I sit back down at the table. "That sounds reasonable. I thought I had somehow offended you. If I did, my sincerest apologies. I truly only wished to get to know you." "You didn't. Let's pick up where we left off. I think I was saying I don't know how I feel, but in truth, I am equal parts scared and curious. I'm getting to do something people only dreamed about a few short years ago. I do worry about what will become of my brother but its my understanding there are earthlinks that allow me to call family and friends so I can at least check on him. So what is it like where we will live?" He smiled. " We will live in the city or Amoran. Its a major hub, not unlike your New York or London. We live on the out skits. Close enough to get to everything but far out enough that you aren't in an over crowed communal abode.Its a peaceful city. Our abode is circular. When it was constructed I asked for that/ You will notice abodes are in all shapes in Amoran. Its because we are big on individuality. Those living in communal abodes probably can't stand it. We are very big on individuality, our own sense of style." I nodded in understanding. "What kind of work will there be for me to do?" He looked surprised. "I actually hadn't planned on you working. I make more than enough turrans to care for a family of 5. I guess if you wanted to do something you could volunteer at the Intermediate house." He looked thoughtful. "What's that?" The idea of not working right away appealed to me as I could learn the planet but eventually it would get old. "It's a home for parent-less young. Often other families will take them in and raise them as their own but sometimes there are several solar turns between them losing a parent and a new family picking them." Ok I though. a group home or orphanage. "That sounds like something I would like. You said a family of 5. I take it you want children?" The idea of kids hadn't crossed my mind. Would they look like me or him or some kind of blend. I was used to people describing both of my ethnicities with earth tones or food...Black and Mexican. We are copper, mocha, tan, toffee, honey colored, you get the idea..but he was truly golden. I had to wonder. There was also the ears and upon closer inspection of his face his eyes were more like rounded slits and he had some like blue dots off to the side. But his hair was amazing. Although it was tucked up I could see it was full and wavy and long. Probably as long as mine. "Yes I would. Maybe 2 and one from the Intermediate Home in our city.One a bit older that may have given up hope." He looked sad as he said the last line. "That's thoughtful and sounds like a plan , after we get better acquainted of course. I think maybe one of your years should suffice." He looked as if it had been decided already. "Are there any particular things you would like to add to our union?" I thought about it. "I would like a pet. I am guessing you don't have dogs or cats?" He pulled out a holo. "I researched this and while the concept of pets is a relatively new thing, I came across these creatures that would be suitable. I think you will find the furlongs the most appropriate. I have taken the liberty of procuring one for us. It is at our abode." A cute little critter appeared on the holo. It looked like a super chubby and short purple Pikachu with a longer tail. I hope it doesn't shoot electricity. It had fur that looked super soft and its eyes were big and purple as well. I love it! "Did you name him?!" I ask excitedly. He chuckles. I like the sound. Its kind of a deep rumbly laugh. "No. I figured he would be more yours than mine as they have an affinity for females." "We have to call him Pika. He looks like this character on a show I love. Loved. " I feel down for a moment. So many things I will miss. "Actually love is correct he say. We have many earth shows on holo and via the streaming boxes. You may see it a few days later but you can watch every thing you did previously. " He gave me a smile. Although this felt like negotiations, i was feeling a bit more relaxed. We sat and discussed a lot of things, our likes, hates, loves. Our favorite shows, favorite foods and drinks. He told me about his first experience with earth alcohol, Hennessy and how that stuff was so horrible. I told him of my love of tequila. It was a nice talk until my stomach rumbled. "Oh. I guess I should eat. Is there anything I can have?" "Of course I have nutri bars and complete meals tabs, but I read humans prefer fresh made food if at all possible. I bought a few things from the earth market. Come look in the cooling box." He led me to a thing that reminded me of a deep freezer. He opened it and I saw Frozen Pizzas, fishsticks, chicken nuggets, burritos and veggie burgers. Ew. I pointed to the burritos. "Do you have a microwave or an oven?" I hoped he did. These cold would suck. He led me to a flat space on the counter. He pushed down twice and a box popped up. "How hot do you want it?" "Um fully cooked I guess. I don't know. I usually cook them at 400 for 20 minutes." I never thought about food temp He nods at me and unwraps the 2 burritos. He sticks them in the box and says "Heat to temp of 400 for 20 minutes." I head back to the table but he stops me. "It will be ready in about 2 minutes." There is no way. But sure enough another minute and the door pops open. He places them each on a plate. I'm skeptical because there is no way they are cooked how I like them in that short amount of time. I take a bite. Its perfect. "Will we have one of those at home, in our abode I mean?" I could get used to this instant cook stuff without the sogginess of microwave cooking. "Yes, its just a little larger. I have also modified it so you can tell it earth cooking instructions and it will cook it to the right temp. "That sounds awesome." He frowns a bit. "Awesome is good right?" I stifle a giggle."Awesome means the best. So yes its good. More than good." He smiles. We finish our meal with a comfortable chit chat and him pronouncing burritos his new favorite earth food. Wait until I make real ones. After cleaning up he says its late. "Where will I be sleeping I ask?" He looks surprised. " With me of course. Which brings me to the next thing we need to discuss. Pleasurable Intercourse." Oh boy. I knew things were going too easy.
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