Chapter 8

1157 Words

Chapter 8 Carlos woke up the next morning feeling better than he had since he first learned of his mother’s death. Eugenio was gone, but Carlos figured he gotten up to go to work. He would be even more astonished if Eugenio was able to function out there on the ranch. The life of a ranch hand, early to rise, early to bed. At least that was how it normally went. He hadn’t even heard Eugenio moving around. Eugenio was such a gentleman, not wanting to wake him up. Carlos decided he would have to do something special to show his appreciation. But first things first: he was hungry. So he got up, brushed his teeth, then went downstairs to see what he could make for breakfast. He knew Virginia would want to do it for him, but he would see if he could get away with doing it himself. If Eugenio

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