Chapter 14-1

255 Words
14Lucas My fingers hover over the keyboard of my laptop as I stare at the screen, debating the wisdom of what I’m about to do. Then I take a deep breath and start typing. My email to Buschekov is short and to the point: Esguerra requests to have Yulia Tzakova remitted into his custody for further interrogation. I click “send” and get up, reveling in the freedom of moving without crutches. It’s been two weeks since I’ve gotten the cast off, and I still feel exhilarated every time I stand up and walk unassisted. Leaving my library/office, I head into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. Cooking is a skill I’ve never been able to master, so my sandwich is beyond simple: ham, cheese, lettuce, and mayo between two slices of bread. I sit down at the table to eat, so I don’t overtax my leg. Though it’s healing well, I still have to fight a tendency to limp. It’s only been two months since the break, and the bone needs longer to mend completely. As I eat, my thoughts turn to the Russians’ probable response to my email. I can’t imagine Buschekov will be pleased to lose his prisoner, but at the same time, I don’t think he’ll push back too hard. Esguerra’s weapons are the best in the business, and with the conflict in Ukraine escalating, the Kremlin needs our covert deliveries to the rebels more than ever. One way or another, they’ll honor Esguerra’s—but really, my—request. Which means that after two months of obsessing about her, I’m going to get my hands on Yulia Tzakova. I can’t f*****g wait.
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