Chapter 25-3

1178 Words
Before I go into the bedroom, I take a long shower, washing off all traces of blood and dirt. The warm water takes some of the edge off, but the dark thrum of adrenaline is still there as I step out of the stall and towel off, my c**k hardening with anticipation. I don’t bother to get dressed before I leave the bathroom. The air is cool on my still-damp skin as I walk down the hallway, and my heartbeat quickens as I picture Yulia lying there, naked, tied up, and completely at my mercy. I’ve never wanted a woman in that position before, but everything about my prisoner brings out my basest instincts. I want her bound and helpless. I want her to know she can’t get away. It’s dark in the bedroom when I step in, so I reach for the light switch. When the bedside lamp comes on, I see Yulia there, stretched out on the blanket in front of me. Her naked body is long and sleek as she lies on her side, her back toward me. Even after her weight loss, her ass is nicely curved, and her pale skin looks like alabaster against the dark blanket. She doesn’t move as I approach, and I see that she’s asleep, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. Her plump, round breasts move with her steady breathing, her n*****s soft and pink in her repose. The lust that’s been building all day roars back, more violent than ever. Kneeling beside her, I run my hand over the side of her body, stroking her from shoulder to mid-thigh. Even bruised in a few places, her skin is gorgeous, so soft and smooth it makes me want to taste her all over. Giving in to the urge, I lean over her, trapping her between my arms, and lower my head to take her n****e into my mouth. It immediately contracts, hardening as I suck on it, and I feel her tensing underneath me, the rhythm of her breathing changing as she wakes up. Lifting my head, I look down at her, meeting her gaze. There’s fear in her eyes, but there’s also something more—something that turns me on unbearably. Desire. Slowly, using every ounce of willpower to control myself, I trail my right hand over her waist and hip. She doesn’t make a sound, but I see her eyes darkening as my hand moves lower to cup the firm, round curve of her ass. Her skin is cool and smooth to the touch, her flesh resilient as I lightly squeeze her ass cheek. She feels good, so f*****g good that my c**k is all but ready to explode, and my hand shakes with lust as I move it lower, slipping my fingers under the curve of her ass and between her thighs. Yes, that’s it. A savage triumph fills me as I reach her folds and feel the wetness at the rim of her opening. Her p***y’s ready for me, just like it was the first time I touched her. Still holding her gaze, I push my finger into her tight heat and feel her shudder as she suppresses a soft gasp. “You want me, don’t you?” My voice is low and hoarse. “You want this.” I find her clit with my thumb and press on it, watching her reaction. She seems to have stopped breathing, her eyes enormous in her thin face as she stares up at me. “Say it.” I curl my finger inside her and put more pressure on her clit. “Tell me you f*****g want this.” She swallows, her pale throat moving, and I feel her p***y squeezing my finger as a long shudder ripples through her. “Lucas, please...” “f*****g say it,” I grit out, but she shuts her eyes, turning her face away from me. She’s breathing fast now, her chest expanding and contracting in a frantic rhythm, and I feel her muscles clenching as I push a second finger into her, stretching her tight channel. She’s fighting me, denying me. My hunger turns dark, lust intermingling with rage and frustration. How f*****g dare she do this to me? She’s mine—her body’s mine to do with what I will. I don’t have to give her a choice. She’s my prisoner, my spoils of war, and I’ve been more than patient with her. “Look at me.” Keeping my hand on her s*x, I rise up on my knees and grab her jaw with my other hand, forcing her to face me. “Don’t play games with me,” I growl when she opens her eyes. “You’ll lose, do you understand me?” She blinks, and I feel her inner muscles rippling around my fingers. She’s dripping wet, her body welcoming my touch. “Yes.” “Yes, what?” It’s all I can do to keep talking instead of f*****g her right then and there. My thumb moves over her clit, forcing a gasp out of her. “Yes, what?” “Yes, I—” She sucks in a breath, her voice shaking. “I understand.” “Good. Now stop lying and answer the f*****g question.” I curl both fingers inside her, wringing another ripple out of her. “Do you want me?” Her nod is faint, almost imperceptible, but it’s enough. I release her face and withdraw my fingers from her p***y, my balls ready to burst. I’m tempted to take her right on this blanket, but I’ve been imagining her in my bed all these weeks, and that’s where I want her this time. Too impatient to bother with the knots in the rope, I get up and go to the laundry room, where I left my bloodied clothes. Thirty seconds later, I return with my switchblade. Approaching Yulia’s legs, I open the knife. Her eyes widen with sudden fear, but I just cut through the rope, freeing her ankles. “Lie still,” I order, getting up to walk around her. A second later, her arms are free too. Not wanting a weapon near her, I go to the other side of the room and put the knife into the top drawer of my dresser before turning to face her. Yulia’s already on her knees, about to get up, but I don’t give her a chance. Closing the distance between us, I bend down and lift her up against my chest. I know she can get on the bed herself, but I need to touch her, to feel her. I can see the pulse beating in her throat as I place her on the white sheets, and my lust intensifies. Mine. She’s mine. The words are a primal drumbeat in my mind. I’ve never felt so possessive about a woman, have never wanted to claim one so badly. The desire is purely visceral, a need that’s as dark and ancient as the urge to kill. I’ve already had her that one night in Moscow, but it’s not enough. It’s nowhere near enough. Watching her, I reach into the bedside drawer and pull out a foil packet. Ripping it with my teeth, I take out the condom and roll it onto my throbbing c**k. Her gaze follows my fingers, and I see her body tensing even more. With fear, with lust? I don’t know, and I’m past the point of caring. “Come here,” I order, climbing onto the bed. I don’t know what I expect when I reach for her, but what happens isn’t it. The moment I touch her, Yulia wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips to mine.
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