Chapter 12-1

690 Words
12Lucas We finish the meal in silence, the air across the table thick with s****l tension. As I watch Yulia consume the last crumbs of her meal, my c**k strains in the tight confines of my jeans, throbbing painfully. If Rosa hadn’t chosen that unfortunate moment to play stalker, I would already be inside Yulia, nailing her against the wall. I shocked my prisoner. I can see it in the heightened color of her cheeks and the way her gaze slides away from mine. Did she believe me? Did she realize I was being sincere? The solution to the dilemma of what to do with her came to me as I was walking home, and I knew instantly that was the only way. I’m going to do exactly as my instincts demand and keep Yulia. Once, such an action would’ve been unimaginable. When I was in high school, if someone told me that I would so much as think about holding a woman against her will, I would’ve laughed. Even when I was in the Navy, long after I knew I was capable of doing whatever the job required without a flicker of remorse, I still clung to the morals of my childhood, trying to resist the pull of darkness within myself. It was only when I became a wanted man that I fully understood my nature and the extent of my willingness to cross lines I once viewed as sacred. Keeping Yulia for my own is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and it’s certainly better than the fate I originally planned for her. “So how exactly would this work?” she asks, finally breaking the silence. Her eyes lock on my face. “You’re going to keep me tied up in the chair all day and handcuffed to you all night?” I smile at her, anticipation sizzling through my veins. “Only if that turns you on, beautiful. If not, I think we can work out a better arrangement.” I’m already thinking of the tracker implants Esguerra used on his wife. I could do something similar with Yulia, making sure at least one of the trackers is implanted where it would be all but impossible to remove. First, though, I’ll need to make sure the agency she works for is wiped out; otherwise, Yulia could use their resources to disappear, trackers or not. “You’ll untie me?” Her eyes are wide as she stares at me. “And let me go outside?” “I will.” Once her agency is destroyed and I have the trackers in her, that is. “But you need to tell me about your employers first. Who is the head of the program?” She doesn’t answer me. Instead, she rises to her feet and carries both of our empty paper plates to the garbage can in the corner. I watch her, making sure she doesn’t try anything, but she just throws out the plates and returns to the table. Stopping next to her chair, she looks at me. “How do I know I can trust you? Once I tell you what you want to know, you could just kill me.” “I could, but I won’t.” I get up and approach her side of the table. Stopping in front of her, I run my knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek. “I want you too much for that.” The color in Yulia’s face deepens. “So, what? You’re going to spare me because you want to f**k me?” There’s disbelief mixed with derision in her voice. “Do you always let your d**k decide who lives and who dies?” I chuckle, not the least bit offended. “No, beautiful. Just when he’s this insistent.” In fact, I can’t remember ever being swayed from my course of action by a woman. I’ve always enjoyed s*x and female companionship, but the need for it has never been a ruling force in my life. My last longer-term relationship—a three-month affair in Venezuela—was before I started working with Esguerra, and I haven’t thought about that girl in years. My more recent encounters have been more along the lines of a one-night stand, or at best, a few days of casual fun. Yulia gives me a dubious look, her eyebrows arching, and I can’t wait any longer. She’s mine, and I’m going to do what my body’s been clamoring for during the past hour. “Let’s go,” I say, my fingers closing around her slender arm. “I think it’s time we commenced our arrangement.”
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