Chapter 11-1

345 Words
11Yulia “Hey.” A quiet rapping on the window draws my attention. Startled, I look up and see the dark-haired young woman from before—the one I thought was Lucas’s girlfriend. “Hey,” she repeats, pressing her nose against the window. “What’s your name?” “I’m Yulia,” I say, deciding I have nothing to lose by talking to the girl. At least I’m not naked this time. “Who are you?” “Yulia,” she repeats, as though committing my name to memory. “You’re the spy who caused the plane crash.” She says that as a statement, not a question. I look at her silently, letting none of my thoughts show. I have no idea who she is or what she wants from me, and I’m not about to say anything that would get me in trouble. She nods, as if satisfied by my non-response. “Why did Lucas bring you here?” Instead of answering, I say, “Who are you? What do you want?” I expect her not to answer either, but she says, “My name is Rosa. I work over at the main house.” Her name sounds familiar. I frown, and instantly, it comes to me. Lucas mentioned a Rosa this morning. She must be the one who gave Lucas that pot of soup. “What do you want?” I ask, studying the girl. “I don’t know,” she surprises me by saying. “I just wanted to see you, I guess.” I blink. “Why?” “Because you killed all those guards and almost killed Lucas and Julian.” Her expression doesn’t change, but I hear the tightness in her voice. “And because for some reason, Lucas has you in his house instead of strung up in the shed, where they take traitors like you.” So I’m right to be cautious. The girl hates me for what happened—and possibly has a thing for Lucas. “Do you like him?” I ask, deciding to be blunt. “Is that why you’re here?” She flushes brightly. “That’s none of your business.” “You’re here to look at me, which makes it my business,” I point out, amused. The girl looks to be only a little younger than me, but she seems so naïve it’s as if decades separate us instead of years. Rosa stares at me, her brown eyes narrowed. “Yes, you’re right,” she says after a moment. “I shouldn’t be here.” Turning quickly, she ducks out of sight. “Rosa, wait,” I call out, but she’s already gone.
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