Chapter 15

1516 Words

15 BOYD I swung off Chesapeake, my mare, to examine a break in the fence line. I’d ridden out to the back range, where the pasture met the mountains, the sun just breaking over the sharp peaks in the distance. The view was incredible, and I thought of what Audrey had said. This was the most perfect place. It was an incredible summer day. It was warming up quick, but a light breeze would keep it from getting blistering. The smell of fresh grass and pine filled the air. Sure, I traveled to great places all over the country and up into Canada, but I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed it here. How much I’d taken home for granted. I remembered what it had been like before my parents died. The carefree way my brothers and I had roamed the land, and that had been before any of us could shift.

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