Chapter 11

1937 Words
11 AUDREY I didn’t know how to dress like a cowgirl. I had no boots. Definitely no hat. I’d settled on a button-down blouse—not flannel or even plaid, sadly—and a black jean skirt with a frayed hem that probably looked way more urban than western. It was the best I could do. I’d have to go shopping on my next day off for some real Montana clothes. I left my hair long and ensured I had on makeup. I figured Becky would send me home or doctor me up with stuff from her purse in the bathroom mirror otherwise. I was primped, spritzed and ready to have a good time. The sun hadn’t set yet—it stayed light late in the summer this far north—but the air was cooling off quickly. I parked my little car in between all the huge pickup trucks in the dirt lot outside Cody’s and slung my purse over my shoulder to cross my body. I performed lifesaving surgeries and brought babies into the world. I was only walking into a bar for a little fun. There was nothing to be nervous about. My palms were sweaty as I walked in the door, the blast of loud music and the scent of french fries and beer hit me hard. It was early still, so the place wasn’t packed, but Becky was right that it was the place to be. I took a quick glance around, looking for Becky. I’d purposely come a little late, so I wouldn’t arrive first. It had worked. Becky stood at the bar holding a beer and talking with a tight cluster of people. She’d grown up in Cooper Valley and had many friends. I wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or curse to run into someone you knew even if you were in the feminine hygiene aisle at the market. For me, I hoped to avoid Jett Markle in the produce section from now on. I smiled and headed toward them and then nearly stopped short, my heart suddenly jammed up in my throat. Was that Boyd Wolf at the bar? At that moment, the cluster shifted, and I got a clear view of the rodeo champ, casually leaning against the sleek wood surface, a knot of women all around him. He spotted me at the same moment, and we locked gazes. It was like in the movies, where suddenly all the background sound became muffled. Like I had cotton in my ears. A blast of conflicting emotions hit me at once. My knees went weak as if my body were already holding up and waving the white flag of surrender, calling out, I’m yours, big guy! Come and get me! At the same time, sharp irritation with the groupies pushing their big breasts out and leaning into his space brought on the bitter taste of jealousy—which wasn’t like me at all. Add to that anger at Boyd for turning me into this mess of hormones, and I was one turned on and frustrated woman. How dare he eat me out in his barn then flirt with a handful of other women! Sure, they were gorgeous, young and… gorgeous. Had he forgotten about me already? Yeah, he probably had. The notch had been made, and he’d moved on. Fine. I could move on, too. So I did what any self-respecting woman would do. No, not bolt for the door and go home to cry my eyes out over a carton of ice cream. I tossed my hair back and strutted over to Becky. I ignored Boyd completely. As if that were possible because every guy I walked past wasn’t as tall, as brawny or as imposing. None were as handsome or had the same lethal smile. None of them were Boyd. He was at my elbow in a flash. “Hey there, darlin’. It must be my lucky night. I didn’t know you would be here.” Color me blind, but I would’ve sworn he sounded sincere. Except that didn’t make sense since I was able to see the women he’d left by the bar giving me death glares. They had their sights set on him. I didn’t blame them, but I wanted to rip their eyes out. I’d thought we’d had a connection, but then that made me sound like a high schooler. The connection had been his mouth on my p***y. Nothing more. I was just another conquest for Boyd Wolf. “I didn’t know you would be here, either,” I said primly, trying to angle my body more toward Becky. Unfortunately, she wasn’t picking up what I was putting down because she kept backing up and facing away, like she was giving me space to flirt with Boyd. Dang it. “What can I get you to drink?” he asked, his fingers circling my elbow and steering me toward the bar. The far side of the bar where the buckle bunnies weren’t clustered. “Oh, um…” I shook my head, trying to force some sense back into it. “I’ll get my own drink. I don’t want to keep you from your… friends.” Disappointment streaked across his expression but quickly disappeared as he leaned a little closer. “You’re not going to punish me for not letting you give me that full examination, are you, Doc? I kind of liked examining you much better.” I turned to face the bar in the hope of hiding my blush. “Nope. I’m off-duty tonight, so you’re off the hook. I won’t bother you a bit, especially since you seem so… fit.” I glanced down at his chest, which was clearly delineated in panty melting detail beneath a crisp white t-shirt. It was tucked into a pair of jeans that molded to every inch of his long legs and well-formed ass and nice bulge and… crap. Look higher at the belt buckle! It was huge, like a frisbee but in silver. Clearly, it was a championship something or other, but I didn’t dare ask about it for sounding like an i***t. I ordered a shot of Patrón and gave Boyd my back, stepping around to stand beside Becky and sticking out my hand to meet her friends. Friends who were ignoring me and staring wide eyed at Boyd. “Hi, I’m Audrey.” I shouldn’t have been disappointed when Boyd took the hint and stepped away. I didn’t actually see him do it, more like felt it. That had been my intention, to give him the cold shoulder, and yet I registered the loss of his nearness viscerally. My n*****s hardened, and my p***y clenched as if telling me they wanted him back. They wanted his very skilled hands and mouth on them and didn’t want to let the opportunity slip away. My p***y had been in charge in Boyd’s barn and while it got his head between my legs and a fantastic orgasm, that was all. Sure, I’d be using that for my vibrator-time fantasies for the rest of my life, but my bed wouldn’t have Boyd in it because he’d be in some other woman’s. Tonight, I’d think with my mind, and my p***y would just have to deal. I tossed back the shot, then winced as the biting flavor went down hard and fast. “Um, Audrey, you didn’t tell me you knew Boyd Wolf,” Becky said, her eyes shifting from me to somewhere over my shoulder where he’d gone. Probably back to his bunny hutch. “He, uh, got hurt at the rodeo over the weekend. Remember I told you I was going to work the event?” “Lucky girl,” she replied, leaning in to be heard over the growing crowd and the music. “Becky! He was hurt,” I countered. I didn’t like anyone to make light of a situation where someone had been injured. “He doesn’t look hurt to me,” she said, licking her lips. As if she wanted not only a slice but the whole dang chocolate cake. “His gaggle of girlfriends will take care of him.” I tried to hide the hurt in my voice. I wasn’t ready to tell her about my trip to Wolf Ranch or what happened in the barn. She slowly shook her head as she sucked on the straw of her iced margarita. “I think he wants you to do that, and I don’t mean heal any wounds he might have. I’m thinking he needs relief of a different kind.” My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. “I think you’re very wrong.” She shook her head. “You might have the fancy medical degree, but I know men, and that one wants you. Don’t deny you want him right back.” I stared at her. She stared at me. Her friends, thank God, were chatting between themselves, and I didn’t have to explain this to them. “Fine. I do want him. But—” She grinned and cut me off. “I’m so glad to hear that. Hi, Boyd.” I gasped, spun on my heel. Right there in front of my face was his chiseled chest. Oh. My. God. Slowly, I tipped my chin up until I was looking into Boyd Wolf’s gorgeous face, split by his signature grin. “The feeling’s mutual, darlin’. Sorry for stepping away, I needed to get my beer.” He held up a longneck between his fingers. “I… I thought—” I thought a sinkhole should open up and swallow me, but that wasn’t going to happen. “I thought we had a good time yesterday.” He winked. “Yesterday?” Becky asked. “Wasn’t the rodeo over the weekend?” “It was, but I couldn’t resist myself.” Boyd tipped his head in my direction. “This woman’s got me on my knees with want.” While Boyd spoke to Becky, his words were meant just for me. I blushed and shook my head. I’d gone to Wolf Ranch to check on him but hadn’t done so. Instead of me getting him out of his shirt to see where the bull had struck him, he’d gotten me out of my pants… and panties. He wasn’t injured. I’d clearly been wrong. Unless he had an ingrown toenail, I couldn’t see a thing wrong with the guy. He definitely didn’t look like someone who’d been gored by a bull. I didn’t understand it, but the proof of it was him standing before me. “I’m sorry, Boyd, but this isn’t my thing.” “What isn’t?” I hardened my resolve. “You’re a fun time. But I’m looking for something serious. And you’re not sticking around.” I pointed at him and circled my finger, directly at his huge belt buckle, which blatantly indicated his profession and imminent return to the circuit. There. I made it about his job, not that I thought he was a man-w***e. Although why I believed he had feelings that required sparing was beyond me. A guy like him probably had this conversation fifty times a year. I’d looked up the rodeo circuit schedule, and it covered half the west over a six month span. Boyd looked chagrined by my words, but I didn’t want to read too much into that. He wasn’t getting lucky tonight with me. He’d survive. Since he could probably talk the underpants off a nun if given the chance, I decided fleeing was my best strategy. “Excuse me,” I said, then beelined for the bathroom, hiding in there for as long as I could. When I came out, I was relieved to see Becky nearby with no sign of Boyd. Well, relieved, but also disappointed. Not in myself or Boyd because it wasn’t his fault he was a player but that the chemistry was impossible to resist. I wanted to hang out with him, maybe even have a little fling, but I knew it was better to cut him out now than to be hurt later. I took a breath, headed toward Becky. I didn’t make it to her side. Jett Markle, Mr. Bad Date, stepped in my path, a smug grin on his face.
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