Vampire' past part 11

1064 Words

The Count stared at Lor for a minute, his brain still in a post-coital haze, letting the words sink in. Once they did, he managed to snap back into reality and reached for her neck’s necklace. Someone came in. Lor tried to bite the Count’s neck. The stranger spoke. “Hello?” “It's me.” The stranger looked to be someone the Count knew. “What’s happening?” “She is acting strangely, like, not all there.” The Count dragged her into a bedroom, and locked the door.” “Where are you?” The stranger gave him an address that was on the other side of the subdivision. “I will be right there,” Lor said as she looked at the Count with a fierce attitude. He turned around, and Lor was handing him his pants. She was already half dressed. They both finished throwing on clothes in record time. As soon

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