
879 Words

(Girl screaming) “Why has she ordered the blamed one to the lost sea?” “She is a blamed one. And her companionship does wash away her royal blood, which may be unworthy for you my lord.” “Am I to feast on petty animals and duke children then?” “She is a cursed one o mighty one. She can be useful, as Sieste must have known.” “I know Sieste more than you, old woman. She is as cunning as Grielle and as black as myself. Why would she think of following me?” “She does follow you as she hasn’t killed her yet.” “No one can kill her save Rhyca and me.” “The Darklords can do so and so can his new girl Tandar.” “Yes, the old man’s chosen one.” “He is the Skeleton master. Even the Skymaster stops predicting when he dances and talks” “Yes, a minion of mine who can change fate, as they say.

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