Vampire's past part29

2283 Words

The Count was still sitting by the front door, waiting for everyone. They had a three-hour drive to get to Herion Sea, where the ship was leaving. It was set to depart at noon. He assumed he shouldn’t be surprised. When he decided to go on vacation with five women, he should have known scheduling would be a problem. But, Mrs.Beth arranged for the trip, so she would have known better. Still, they had all agreed they would be out of the house as soon as possible. That was wishful thinking on my part. He looked over at the stack of luggage next to the door and was glad he had at least talked them into renting a passenger carriage for the trip to the port. Sure, the six of them could have fit into a normal carriage. It would have been a tight fit, but they could have made it. Or so it was p

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