Good and Evil part 1

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( Sounds of logs being moved into shore) “ Ok there is the 30th one. You guys sure are weak” “Lady we are strong but with your new found power,  this simple work has ended in a mere hour.” “ Yes the old man is right. What he says is always true lordess. He may be 56 but he knows  Paraag and the unknown lands very well” “ And you are young woman?” “ My name is Silak lordess” “ Yes lordess she is the daughter of Kavari the community leader of this land” “ Community leader?” “ Yes we have no king so the community leader is the leader of this beautiful land” “This land is a fort as I heard from Neera. Why a leader?” “ It’s still a populated land lady. There may be no jackals or vampires here but there are evil men” “Ok” “ Tell me lordess…………does the power makes the difference?” “ What do you mean Silak?” “ I mean you were a fragile lamb on the back of a croc when you came here but with the power you talk like you can battle even the croc herself” I thought curiously hearing Silak’s words. She is a fine woman. Tall for a normal woman nearly six feet tall and good in shape. “ You look like you do quite an exercise Silak” “ Yes lordess, me and my stable do the log works usually until you came” “ Well your land gave me my first power whatever it is though it doesn’t block a sharp knife. I will still need a sword and a shield on my way” “ On my way? What do you mean? You can’t go until the election?” “ Election?” “ Yes my father is sick and old. And the land itself needs a leader, new and strong as my father says” ( Rivers’ stream sounds) “Listen to that doesn’t the river here protect us………..I know it’s the good croc but still nature is nature” “ I am still curious about my power though. Neera is the queen of  the river which she protects. But there are lands which we need to protect” “ I heard you are destined to Gairad?” “ No I am destined to face the count?” ( Silak stirring the shore water) “What’s the point in killing and being killed” “ Do you know me?” “ I heard about you from my father. When I was 10, I saw the battle between a prince and a strange creature. I saw the creature tear the limbs of the prince. Seeing, that I never even used a stick to fight.”  “ What about me? You know about me?” “  More than anything. You are the lordess of one of the lands in Gairad. UnlLike the Unknown lands Gairad has strong lands with powerful leaders and people.  They don’t rely on crocs or marked powers to defend their lands from the Count” “ You know the Count?” “ No body knows him. Only some one who is at-least a century old could have seen. My grandfather saw him once as my father told.” ( A young woman interrupts) “That is so not true?” “ And you are?” “ This is Tander my sibling” “ Well I know the lands more than you Silak” “ Yes but 19 isn’t an age to face the count” “ It’s a nice age to be the leader though” “Leader?” “ Yes lordess my sister and I are up at the election.” “ Ok girls still 21 and 19 aren’t ages to quarrel.  Leave the lordess be. She must be testing her power with the logs” “ The logs?” “ Yes “   I was surprised seeing females in such a male dominated land. I slept at the hill without fear though Kavari did ask me to go to the tavern to sleep to which I refused. I was changing. The feeling of insecurity that I had when I was at the cell of the witch had gone. Even without Richie and Neera I felt secured. It was the power. Suddenly a voice says. “ You are right lady” “Skymaster? I sure missed you?” “ You have a week to reach the shore at the east .” “ A week? I could reach there in some days if I start now” “ The new power has gave you abilities of a tiger. But still there is water at the end of Paraag. And even tigers fear the water,” “ I have Neera” “ Well that is why I said a week” “ So Neera will find me?” “ Your destiny will find you” The voice fades away as I shout “ Skymaster!”   ( c**k cawing) “ It’s morning.” “ Well it will be now with a new leader” “ You slept at the hill? Quite a woman you are?” “ I know thanks for the tea.” “You barely had a sip as I can see” “ Well Silak you are quite concerned about me . Shouldn’t you prepare for your election” “ Seeing you sleep at a barren land with no roof. How can I?” “ You have a gentle heart Silak unlike your sister Tandar.  I saw her kill a buffalo  by chopping it’s head with a sharp blade. That sword was big” “ The power. It makes you hungry doesn’t it?” “ Yes it makes want to eat?” “ Eat?” “ I don’t flesh and meat and………………………..blood” “Blood?” “ Yes but I don’t know why? The skymaster didn’t told me anything about my hunger” “ You talked with the skymaster?” “ I did but only talked about tiger and croc” “ Well that does mean something” “ What do you mean?” “ The sky is like the time. It doesn’t  talk anything unmeaningful. My father heard him talk once. He told my father to make the fence at the east side to protect from the count.” “ Yes now I understand. I have the hunger and the stamina, strength  of a tiger”
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