The Peril

1199 Words

(Count’s Mansion) “Dear Godfrey, What comes of the northerners?” “Rhyca is back to her black magic rituals, your grace. That may require your Highness’s presence.” “Paleste! It has been long since I have been there.” “Yes, the place awaits your magnanimous arrival and the locals sing your songs of great being.” “What use of me there?” “The pure girl. She could be reaching there, my lord.” “Is she? Yes, her blood is what I want and her divinity is what I want to impede.” “ She has two choices. Either she would reach back to her sacked city and win it back or be at Paleste to thwart Rhyca’s plans.” “ I doubt she will be reaching Paleste. Sieste informed us that she has a cat with magic whiskers which could take an army to a place at a moment. She must have reached her land by now.”

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