7: Don't Panic

1839 Words
“I will never believe another dragon story again.” I moaned as I fell off Stolas’ back a few hours later. There was a rush of feathers and the harness, saddle and pack hit the ground beside me as Stolas chuckled. “Sore already?” He teased, stretching lithely and then reaching for his pack. I glared at him from the ground. “You know I am. You’ve been in my head. It was your idea to stop.” I was pretty sure I’d be bow-legged for the rest of my life and my spine might never straighten again. Stolas laughed as if hearing my thoughts. I picked up a pinecone and chucked it in his direction. It flopped miserably short. Stolas tsked. “Throwing things at your Master now, hmm?” He raised a brow and I shoved myself up on my elbows. “Don’t you dare start that ‘master’ s**t, or I’ll slit your throat mid-air Demon.” I threatened. Stolas raised a brow as he cleared a small area and began stacking kindling. “Wouldn’t that defeat your purpose? We’d both die.” Stolas pointed out. I collapsed back to the ground, arms akimbo. “Don’t care, too sore. Worth it at this point.” I whined. Stolas laughed again. There was a snap and a small fire leapt up, over which Stolas placed a small kettle. “Aren’t you hot? Yet you’re making a hot drink?!” I asked incredulously. “Nothing better than hot coffee after a workout.” Stolas rubbed his hands together and grinned at me. I shook my head. “Besides, the rest of the hot water can be used for soup for lunch. How’s that sound? You, on the other hand, must feel a bit chilled.” Truthfully, he wasn’t far off. I’d adore wrapping my hands around a warm mug. Stolas shuffled over and felt my face and hands, muttering to himself as he rubbed them gently. “Gloves would be useful, and perhaps a scarf. Been too long since I cared for a human.” “Hi.. Said human right here.” I raised my hand and waved it in his face. He blinked and offered me a weak grin. Scooping me up off the ground, he carried me closer to the fire, removing my pack as he went. He settled with me in his lap, then sat staring at the fire for several long seconds. “So..” “Would you like me to heal your injuries for you?” Stolas abruptly gestured at the same time I spoke. I shrugged. “You said it drains us both. I don't want to weaken you. Let’s leave it for now.” I responded. Stolas examined me, eyes melting to gold and hair fading to white. His expression was like he was trying to see inside me, but there was nothing there. I wasn’t being selfless or selfish, I was just being practical. If something were to happen, and Stolas weren’t at full power.. Well, we could both be in trouble. Out here, he was my rock, my lifeline, and I was his burden. It was unfortunate, but true. He could mean the life or death of me, and I protected what protected me. What was mine? I twitched slightly as the thought slipped through my mind. Stolas nodded and removed the kettle from the fire as it began to whistle. “No need to fret, it’s just the Mark settling in.” Stolas remarked softly, settling me in a more comfortable position as he poured out the hot water for coffee and hot soup. Had I complained about how sore I was after the first few hours? That was nothing compared to the misery I was experiencing by the end of the day. Climbing on and off Stolas didn’t help, and halfway through the day, I was begging to walk. Stolas only agreed because he said my pain was like a thorn in my rear when he touched my mind. I told him he should try it from my point of view, and he asked if that was an invitation. The conversation having taken an unsettling (and confusing) turn, I let it drop. When Stolas finally called a halt to our movements, I collapsed to the ground again, and didn’t move. Everything hurt. “Come here, Char.” Stolas instructed quietly. I groaned and covered my eyes with my arm. “Noooo. Can’t move. Dead now. Resting in pieces.” I complained. Stolas made an impatient clucking sound with his tongue, and the next thing I knew, he was dragging me upright like a ragdoll. “And what if you had been in danger?” He shook my shoulders, nearly giving me whiplash. “You come when I say!” The Mark on my shoulder heated up and I yelped, then slapped out at first Stolas, then the Mark. “Don’t treat me like a slave!” I yelled. “Why do you never listen?” Stolas shot back. “Why should I? I’m hurt and I’m tired! Let me rest!” I stormed. “I was going to heal you!” Stolas threw his hands in the air and turned away from me. “O-oh.” I mumbled. “But I thought we were going to hold off on that in case something bad happens?” I rubbed my arm, hardly able to look at him. I always assumed the worst. “If Demons attacked right now, would you be able to run?” Stolas knelt and began clearing a space for a fire. I winced, thinking of my sore, stiff and exhausted muscles. “Probably not very far.” I admitted. “Exactly.” Stolas replied, continuing his work, still not looking at me. “You do neither of us any good if you’re a liability. And you can’t help your sister if you’re dead.” I flinched at the bluntness of his tone and words. “You’re right,” I muttered. “Of course I am.” Stolas answered me, then didn’t say another word until the fire was crackling and he had water in a kettle heating. “Now, will you allow me to heal you, or are you going to insist on being insufferably stubborn?” Stolas shot a withering glare over his shoulder that made me crawl to my feet and shuffle towards him. He nodded once in acknowledgement, then poked at the fire a few more seconds, prolonging my embarrassment. “Ok, wise and masterful teacher, you’ve made your point. I’m a judgemental bitch.” I grumbled. Stolas’ head whipped around. “Then obviously I haven’t made my point at all.” He snarled. “Because that was never my intent at all.” He rose and advanced on me angrily, but I refused to give ground. “Ok, I’ll bite. What was your point then?” I demanded stubbornly, crossing my arms. Stolas stopped inches from me and reached out a hand to caress my cheek, eyes flashing gold. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, my fierce little mouse.” Stolas moved further into my personal space, his face mere centimeters from mine. “My point was to trust me.” He murmured, his lips nearly brushing mine as he cupped the back of my head. His voice and breath were sweet, a beautiful illusion designed to lure me in. I knew this, but found myself leaning forward anyway. He dodged my kiss, exposing my shoulder. “There is a way, of course, for us both to benefit.” He licked his lips as he eyed the Mark greedily. “Which is..” I prompted. He looked me in the eyes with a predatory glare. “I take the energy I need from you to heal you.” He stated simply. “Oh that’s all.” I said weakly, realizing the implications were that Stolas would be feeding on my soul. “Do you know any other way?” He questioned, c*****g his head like the bird of prey he was. I shook my head, and he nodded again as if confirming to himself. Without waiting any longer, he lunged forward, gripping me tightly. His mouth descended on the Mark, kissing it gently as his arms wrapped around me almost seductively. There was a sudden sharp pain in the Mark, like someone had driven a nail in it, or Stolas had bitten me, and then the uncanny feeling of something being tugged through the skin. I went lightheaded, my knees got weak, and I slumped in Stolas’ arms. A sudden warmth bloomed in my chest and radiated outward, pausing at every sore muscle, small scratch or minor injury. My back finally released its pain with so much force it made me moan. Stolas gripped me closer. The warmth settled in my legs and lower torso where the pain was worse, tingling through the joints of my hips and spine. I groaned again, relaxing even further into Stolas’ embrace. I heard him growl, a vulgar sound that seemed half hungry, half lustful, and he picked me up, wrapping my legs about his waist. “S-Stolas!” I gasped, but it was too late, he was lost somewhere in the haze of the energy exchange. I could feel the tingling in my pelvis reaching a fever pitch and gasped again, arching against Stolas, until suddenly the feeling burst into an explosive orgasm that left me reeling and panting for breath. Stolas groaned himself, licking at the Mark as he slowly loosened his grip. The kettle behind him began to whistle, and Stolas sighed. Lowering me back to the ground in increments, Stolas placed his forehead against mine when my feet finally touched the forest floor. “Is it.. Always like that?” I breathed. Suddenly, I understood why humans stopped trying to get away from their Demon captors, even when they were slowly being consumed. “I..apologize. It is not usually quite so intense. I didn’t think.. The Bond would be that strong yet.” Stolas shuddered slightly, his forehead coming to rest on my shoulder, dangerously close to my still throbbing Mark. The kettle continued its piercing whistle, and Stolas sighed again, straightening. His hands banded around my upper arms as he searched my face. “Are you..ok?” He asked, rubbing my arms gently. I gave him a weak smile and nodded. He searched my face a moment more before nodding himself and letting me go to retrieve the kettle. The truth was, I was ok. Other than having weak knees and a definite wet spot on the inside of my pants. I sank to the ground bonelessly, suddenly tired. This wasn’t the usual feeling of exhaustion after Stolas healed me. This was more like ‘I just had great s*x and want to sleep’ tired, and I bitterly scolded myself for my behavior as Stolas brought me a tin cup filled with oatmeal and a spoon.
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