26| When things went wrong!

2161 Words

Kayla The sound of my phone blaring made my eyes snapped open. I was left staring at the exquisite ceiling. A yawn escaped me and I shuffle my body around the bed. Exhaution was the word to describe what I was feeling at that moment. An unknown smile made it way out of my mouth when last night event flashed through my head. I didn't know Alexander has a bit of humane in him. Heck, I had a little hope that he'd come to my aid and he did. But that doesn't change the fact that he insulted me and it also doesn't change the fact that I still hate him. Yes. I still hate it. Though, the hate is not intense like the first time we met. I lazily got down the bed and made a walk to the bathroom. Did the daily women thingy. And then it was left for me to chose the clothe to wear. It might be we

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