46| Back to strangers

1700 Words

Kayla A hiss left my lips when a sharp pain shot through my head. I ruffled my hair pulling it tightly on my hand. I stayed in that position for a while for the pain to subside and for sleep to get out of my eyes. After the pain has decreased, I proceeded to hop out of bed. A gasp left my mouth when last night event flashed through my mind. “Oh My God!” I let out aloud. What did I just did? I confessed to Alexander. I told him I love him. Flashback. “I love you Alexander” I whispered in one of new voice I didn't know I have in me. I leaned over connecting our lips together. Alexander was quick in giving me access. I don't know whether it is the wine giving me strength, I pulled him more to my body, kissing him with the living soul in my body. Alexander circle his hands tightly

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