44| Reunion

1661 Words

Kayla Like someone who has been possessed, I stood still flushed to his chest. * Kayla leave * I tried to move my legs, yet, my heart didn't listen to me. We stood In that position for more than five minutes. The warmth coming from his body made me weak. I'm still battling with my feelings and Alexander is making it hard for my heart not to keep falling for him. His hold loosened from my body and I took it as an opportunity to make my way In. However, Alexander isn't ready to backoff. He held me by the wrist, sending another shiver down my spine. "You haven't given me an answer yet" Came his hushed voice. l don't know Why he's so adamant on getting an answer. He should answer himself. After all, he knew the answer. He's just trying to mess up with me. And I ain't letting that happen.

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