16. A Not-So-Friendly Chat

1546 Words

16 A Not-So-Friendly Chat The two of them divided their efforts. After getting Loran secured in his cell, Raedrick went back to Bigsbe's to more thoroughly investigate the scene, while Julian went back to The Oarlock to look through Loran's effects. Julian did not envy Raedrick his half of the night's investigation. Not one bit. But after an hour and a half in Loran's room with nothing of pertinence to show for it, he almost could have considered swapping. Almost. Finally, he decided to call it quits, and went back to the office. Word had spread quickly about the arrest, or so it seemed. The streets were more crowded than normal for the hour—it was approaching four bells, bedtime for most—especially on a work night. But tonight groups of men turned to watch him pass at every street co

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