11. Hot Pursuit

1247 Words

11 Hot Pursuit Tracking Loran down was harder than Julian thought it would be. He was not at The Oarlock. When asked, Molli shrugged and replied that he had gone to City Hall. But there was no sign of him there either. In fact, the clerks on duty had not seen him since his meeting with Mayor Brimly, the previous day. That put Julian's hackles up. There seemed no reason to lie about where he was going. Not to his innkeeper, at least. What was Loran up to? "He did say he was in town on Magestirium business," Raedrick said as they departed City Hall. "I know Melanie said not to worry, but..." He left the rest unsaid. Julian could not stop the little icy ball of fear from forming in his belly. He did not need to ask; neither of them did. With unspoken resolve, they turned left toward the

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