f*****g Earpiece!

2170 Words
Taehyung's Pov: I woke up feeling the sun peeking from my window. I rub my eyes and sit on my bed, im really not a morning kind of person, so dont blame me if everytime i woke up and sit on my bed and again fall asleep. I startled when i heard eomma outside my room. "Yah! Kim Taehyung! Get your lazy ass there now! You will be late!" He yelled and to be honest i really need to cover my ears. "Yeah...im wide awake eomma. Stop shouting!" I replied not really making any move from my bed. I almost jump from my bed when suddebly my door widely opened. "My god, eomma!!! You scared the s**t out of me!" I said holding my chest. "No cursing in this house,Taehyung. Specially when im infront of you.!" He said in a high pitch tone. "Eomma~~" i whined like a child and pout. "Yah! Byun Taehyung! We will be late" Wendy yelled from downstair. I look at the clock and widened my eyes seeing its almost time. "Oh s**t!" I cursed ignoring my eomma who glared at me, i ruj to my bathroom and took a quick shower then putting my fake mask to look like a nerd again. Asking me why i still need to be like this? Oh...damn i dont know why. Maybe its not yet time to reveal my true self to my uni. After checking myself at the mirror, i saw eomma at my back supressing his laugh, but burst in laughing when i face him. "Oh...my..god...baby..." he said in between his laugh and i just pout at him. "Baby you'll---my god!" appa suddebly burst in laugh too. "Seriously,eomma...appa?" I said acting like im mad at them, but deep inside me i want to laugh with them. When they notice that im mad both of them stop laughing and they hug me, uttering a sorry. "Im happy seeing you happy eomma, appa. I love you." I whispered to them and they both said that they love me too. "By the way, Jungkook is downstair, waiting for you." Appa said when detaching his hug frim me. Hearing Jungkook's name, my heart suddenly beats like crazy and i have the feeling that i wanna run to him and hug him. What? Behave yourself you Taehyung! Oh come on, as if you're not attracted to him? Attracted? Oh my...no!!! But...he's really damn f*****g hot, those toned abs..god..it feels like.... "Oh no! Stop tou p*****t!" "Yah! Whose p*****t?!" I gasp and slmm my hands to my mouth realisung i said it loud. "Are you fantasising someone?" Eomma winked at me that i can feel my blood rush to my face. "Im going to be late, eomma." I said and quickly run outside my room. But upon reching the stair, i stop seeing the man looking at me. Oh god..whats happening to me!? So tell me, are you really straight? Damn you! Stop it. Hahaha...Kim Taehyung, your a f*****g gay to that hot mafia leader. "Damn! You're f*****g hot!" And here i am again, "Oh well...i really know that im f*****g hot,baby." He said smirking and god..can you just please allow me to be swallowed now by the floor. "Ahm...i...i...damn it! Im late!" I said before atorming outside the door, im blusbing realky hard now specially hearing them laugh at me. "Hey, wait there." I heard him shouted and i dont know why theres something in me that telling to be submissive to him. "Lets go,baby." He said, and i startled feeling his hand at my waist and and guided me to his car. He opens the door but i stop, he look at me confuse. "I have my own car Mr. Jeon. And beside, im with Wendy." I said like 'duh' "Wendy will ride the other car and you, with me." He said sternly. I raised my brows to him, "Oh come on, Mr. Jeon...your not my body guard and---" I gulp nervously when i saw him clench his jaw, this guy really is scary... "If i told you to enter the car, do as i told you, Kim Taehyung!" I flinch hearing his low and dominating tone. He then again gesture me, but before entering the car, i glared at him. He close the door and walk the other side and sit beside me at the back sit. "University" he said and the driver start the car. I look behind us and i cant believe what im seeing. "Are you f*****g serious? We are going to my university, not to any parade." I said in disbelief. But he just give me a silent reply. "Oh my god. What will they talk behind me if they saw this. I cant believe what was happening now!  Argh!!!! My life is doomed now!" i said in frustration. Come to tbink of it, im a 16 year old student, who hides himself from being a Kim for such a long time. Then all of a sudden, now im with this ruthless mafia leader? Oh come on...do i really need to go at the univeraity with this many bodyguards? Duh???? Im a stident, im not a prince! I stomp my feet not realising that there is a two pair of eyes staring at me. "Park the car at the other side of the uni." I heard him say and the driver followed what he commands. After parking, i was avout to open the door when he hold my hand. I look at him with my brows knitted. "Stay for a moment." He said in a low voice. He then took something from his pocket and i hold my breath when he leans closer to me. "Dont ever remove this when im not telling it." He said and all i can do is nod my head. "Can you hear me?" He ask and damn, im startled. "For what is this?" I ask pointing this stupid thing in my ear. "Your not that stupid,Kim. You know what is it." He mockingly replied and i fist my hand, wanting to hit his handsome face. "Asshole!" I muttered under my mouth. "And this asshole will not let anything happen to you." I glared at him and the next moment i feel is his index finger lifting my chin to look striight at his eyes, "Watch your pretty mouth,babyboy. Next time i hear you call me that, i swear, you will regret it." He said that gives a shivers down my spine. "Do you understand?" I nod looking away from his eyes but he  put his both hands to cup my face. "Words Kim Taehyung, i wnat words." He command. "Yes, Mr. Jeon" i replied. "Daddy" My eyes almost pop out hearing it. "wha-what?" i stutter. "Did you hear me stutter?" I shook my head again. "I told you, i want words,babyboy." "Ye-yes da-daddy?" I said but more on like asking. I heard a chuckle but its not from him. Oh god, im doomed!!!! A knock from the window disturb our awkward situation and im thankful to that. The driver opens the window and i saw Yoongi and Wendy standing outside. "They are late, Jeon." Yoongi hyung said and i mentally cursed. The gate was already close. Then i heard him call someone and just when he put his phone down,the gate open and the guard come to us. "Goodmorning, Mr. Jeon." He said and bowed. "Keep an eye to him, and there are my mens inside the uni." He coldly replied. I sigh in defeat and step outside the car. "I'll pick you up after your class, so bettet wait for me." He said again but i didn't dare to look and answer him. I kept walking with Wendy until we reaches our room. If your thunking aaout the earpiece, damn it. Who the hell he is to tell me what to do? "f**k you Jeon!" I said to myself. "Master Kim, do you know that we can hear you, right?" someone said through the earpiece. I laugh awkwardly, "Yeah i know. And i dont f*****g care even you tell him everything!" I replied bravely, but f**k!!! Who am i kidding? Just the mere thought of seeing him makes my knees like jelly. "So okay class, so its just a matter of 4 days and our program will be held. Be sure that everything is prepared. And by the way, Byun Taehyung ylu know ylur obligations,right?" The professor said. I nod and focus on my books. "Spill the tea" Jimin suddenly whispered. I look at him and just smile. "Taebaby, yku really need to tell us,okay."he added and mouted 'after' then all of us focus on the person infront of us. Time skip: "So tell us, what comes to your mind?" Jimin ask while im munching my food. I  know what he was talking. I was about to tell them but i notice how quite Hoseok is. And to tell that he is always that bubbly person, and im not used being him silent. "Is there something wrong, Hoseokie?" I ask worriedly. "No." He replied then he told us that he will go to the bathroom. We all look at his direction until he's gone to our sight. "Theres something wrong with him." Jimin said before start munching his food. "I need to go bathroom." I said and they hum. I walk towards the bathroom and before i can open the door, a group of guys stands infront of me. "What?!" I ask raising my brows. "Byun Taehyung..." a voice behind me says and even not looking at him i know who he is. I sigh and turn around to face him. "Drake Lee, you again?" I said. "Drake Lee?" Damn it! I forgot about this f*****g earpiece. "You're just new here but why did the dean appoint you to a very important task?" He said, tracing his finger to my jaw. "Did you...let him touch you?" I clench my fist tightly. "What?!" I spat to him and i herrd the other guys laugh, a sarcastic laugh that it really pissed me more. "Did you let him f**k you?" Thats it, this bastard! SLAP!!! "How dare you slap me,huh? Do you know who i am?" He said, grabbing a handful of my hair, and the other guys hold my hands to not let me move. I hissed in pain... "Master  Kim, are you alright?" I heard someone from the earpiece but i didnt say anything. "You will reg--" Then someone cut him to his words, "Leave him alone!" i look at the direction and saw a furious Hoseok. And suddenly some men in black suit appeared infront of us for god knows where did they came from. "Are you okay,Tae?" Hoseok ask checking me if i get hurt. I chuckled and hold his hand to stop him, "Yah! Im okay." "Who are you,Byun Taehyung?" Suddenly a shock Drake ask. Looking at these men standing, surrounding me like im someone really important. "Im-- "Oh, Drake Lee...im sure you wont ever like to know who he is." Hoseok chuckle before dragging me leaving Drake and his boys in shock. We reach the our table and all of them stop and look at us. "What?" I mouted at Jimin and Wendy, then they tilt their heads, thats when i realised that i was followed by this mens. I cursed my self for not telling them to leave. "What happen? And why those mens?" Jimin whispered. I stare at Wendy but this girl just shrug her shoulder. I sigh and told everything to Jimin and Hoseok. "Woah!!! Seriously?!" Jimin exclaimed gaining the attention of those who are still at the canteen. "You can go now to your positions." I said to them. Jimin and Hoseok stare at me weirdly. "What are you saying?" I facepalm myself fkr my stupidness. "Damn it! That f*****g Jeon told me to use this and never remove without his permision." I explained, pointing the earpiece that was in my left ear. "We heard you Mastet Kim"  and again, im cursing myself for it. "What an possessive lover!" Hoseok blurted. Then we all laugh. "Byun Taehyung, we never knew that you are having that many bodyguards." a girl said from the other table. "A nerd with a bodyguard!" another said and they all laugh at me. "Yah! Mind your own bulsgits!" Wendy yelled at them. Geez, this friends of mine are really short tempered. "Do you waat us to strangle them?" i giggled upon hearing one of the men said. "That was cute" the other said. "Watch your mouth! If Boss hears you, you will regret it." the other threaten him. "oh come on, Mr. Black in suit, theres nothing wrong about it." I said to them and like a crazy person, i giggled talking to them not realising a six pair of eyes infront of me. "What?" I ask awawardly. They just shook their heads until the bell rings indicating for our next class.
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