A special guest?

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Taehyung's Pov: Instead of calling Jimin or Hoseok to pick me up, i decided not to. I dont want to drag them into this mess. I look at my watch and i frowend, its already pass six and im sure if that asshole called my parents, im sure they are now dying worrying about me. So i decided to call them, but nobody answers it. I tried calling Chanyeol hyung, but i didn't get any answer. Im starting to think that theres something happened to them. My heart keep beating abnormally and my mind are now occupied with worst scenarios. I called Baekyun hyung but it directed me to a voicemail so i ended it. "Damn! What was going on to them?!" I said to no one but to myself. I look around when i feel that theres someone staring at me, but i didn't see anyone. "I will f*****g kill you Jeon if you do something to my family, i swear!" I said to myself. After seeing a taxi at the other side of the road, i run and told the driver to drive me home. I kept looking at my phone in thought that someone from the mansion will call me. Its been obly ten minutes when the driver ask me something that i instantly look behind us. "Boy, i dont want to be in trouble..." he said and when i look at him i can see fear in his eyes. "Im sorry sir. Just drop me there," i said and point at the flowershop. I keep apologising and handed him 100$ before stepping out his taxi. "Boy this is to much." He said but i told him to keep the change. He thank me then he dash away, i enter the flower shop even though i really dont have intention to buy anything. I observe through the glass window, and i can see the car outside the shop. I was a little starled when someone behind me talk. "Oh my.." i said, holding my chest. "Im sorry." The guy whom i thought with my same age said. "Its okay." I replied then smile at him. I again look outside. "Are you in trouble?" he ask,i look at him but his eyes looking outside. I didnt say anything coz i really dont know what should i say. "Byun Taehyung,right?" I again look at him, and seems that he knows what im thinking now. "Im Jay." He introduce. Leaning his hand forword and i gladly shake it.  We both look outside and cursed myself for i cant go at the mansion, afraid that they will follow me. The fact that i dont know this persons. "Theres an exit at the back, i can drop you home if you want to."he offered. I think for a second and before i can utter anything he again talk. "Dont worry, you may not notice me but to tell tou, we both are in the same class." He chuckle and i feel embarass to what he said. "Im sorry, its just that i always focus on something. So i guess, nice meeting you Jay." I said showing him my signature boxy smile. "So better if we go now, its almost seven." He said and not thinking anything anymore, i gladly took his offer. We successfully ditches those men and now im i already can see the mansion. "Stop here." I said. He look at me confused. "Why?" He ask but i didnt answer him. "What the f**k?! Why there are so many guards?" I said to myself. "Is that your house?"he ask, i shake my head. "Its my uncle." I shortly replied not removing my gaze outside. "Is there any problem? Seems that there's an important person inside." He stated. I notice too that the guards outside are not an ordinary guard. It look likes a guard of a highly individual, and i swear its not only one or two car are park outside, its damn five cars, and its looks like they are more than twenty standing outside the cars. "Ahm, by the way. Thanks, i guess i need to go now." I said not wanting to stay amy longer, im itching to know what was happening inside the mansion. "Okay then.See you again tomorrow,Taehyung." He smile before leaving me. Jin's Pov: "Mr. Kim, there's someone looking for you." the guard said through the phone that was connected inside the mansion. "And who is it?" I ask. And when he talk and say the name, i felt my body gone numb, the phone that i was holding fell to the floor. "Babe, are you okay?" My husband ask, i open my mouth but i cant utter anything, seems my tongue was tied to my throath. "Hello Mr. Kim?" I look at the phone at the floor and Namjoon pick it. "Yes?" "Mr. Kim, the man said he wants to talk to you..." "Jin!" Namjoon called me when i run outside. "Open that goddam gate!" I shouted at the guard and he quickly open the gate, i reach the gate, panting..holding my chest trying to normalized my breathing. I walk slowly towards the car, and when the door open showing man in his fifties, my eyes become glossy. I run to him and hug him, letting my tears wet his expensive suit. I felt his hands rubbing my back up and down. "Ap-appa?" I stutter. "Im sorry" i heard him whisper to my ear. "Ji--" i heard Namjoon but when i look at him, theres a glint of surprise and fear in his eyes. "Lets talk inside." I said to him and holds the hand of my husband, and some of the guards follow us. Theres a thick silence when we entered, the maids bowed to him before leaving us. Namjoon sit beside me and my father at the other couch infront of us. Chanyeol was out to pick his husband at the shop. "How are you,Namjoon?" My father ask. "Im great, your highness." My father chuckle to see how nervous my husband is. "You act like your not one of the mafia leader,Namjoon." I gulp upon hearing him. How did he know about it? I look at Namjoon who has a wide eyes looking at the person infront of us. "Wheres my grandson?" He added looking around. "Ho-how did--" before i can complete my words, i heard him laugh a little. "Jin, did you forget who i am? Despite of disobeying me, i never thought of not disregarding you as my son. Since you left that day, i ask some of my mens to follow you, everything and everyone around you. To make the story short, i know everything that happens to you and your small family."he explained showing a guilt to his face. "Im proud and happy when they told me that your husband never hurt you." He added. "Do you perhaps know also about what happen five years ago?" I ask him. And a guilt showed to his eyes. "When i heard about it, i told my men to get him and bring him to me, but the funny thing is that..." he said, he look at us before he continue, "That boy is something else." He chuckles. "He's just eleven that time yet he knows how to fight, i dont really know how he escape from them. Good thing is that he was safe, right?" He breath heavily after talking. "Yes, we found him almost near the Han river almost dead." Namjoon said clenching his fist remembering that day we almost lost Taehyung. "He was in coma for a year, and when he woke up, he doenst know what happened to him, and we are greatful for that. We let him stay with Chanyeol here in Canada to be safe. It hurts more coz he was force not to use Kim instead Byun. He lives a fake life for almost four f*****g years! And now, everything is a mess. He woke up one day, remembering the day he was kidnap, and the worst thing is that..." Namjoon was in rage of anger. I hold his hand and squeez it gently, trying to calm him. "Im sorry for my rudeness, your highness." He said, satnding at bowed. My father stand from his sit and pat his shoulder. "Im greatful that my son runs away from that day, if not im sure he was living in hell because of me." I hug my father for that. After having a talk for almost three hours, Chanyeol and Baekyun arrive. At first, the guards outside didn't let them enter even tbough they told them that this is their mansion. If not because of the guard of the mansion, we will never know that Chanyeol almost bit the s**t out of one of the guard. I tried to explain to them and they apologised to him. "My god,i swear i really want to kill him!" Chanyeol said upon entering the mansion, not realising that there is someone inside sitting, looking at him. I fake a cough then he look at me, he was startled and almost fell from his sit when he saw him. "Your highness" he bowed and i laugh seeing how nervous he is. "Seems the men didnt recognised you." My father said. Chanyeol is my half brother, he was the son of my fathers second wife. When my mother died when im at the age of 15, just a year when he married the mother of Chanyeol. Its not surprising that the mens didnt know him, coz he never really want to stay in Spain with his mother. He rather choose to stay here in Canada and be dependent. We were in dining already coz its already seven when theres another call from the guard. I was about to stand but Chanyeol was already walking towards the phone where the maid is holding. After talking, he suddenly walk in fast pace towards the door. I dont know whats happening so i told them that i will follow him outside. ✫✫✫✫✫✫✫✫ As soon as Chanyeol reach the gate, he saw Taehyung's face.He actually can say that the boy is in rage of anger, the way he clench his fist and the way his eyebrows narrowed not forgetting how his face turns red. He knows it, he knows that this boy is ready to beailt the s**t out of that guy standing infront of him. "Let him go." Chanyeol said coldly. The man raised his brows to him, not really giving a damn s**t even though they know that he is Jin's step brother. "I said let him go!" He again said, now a bit raised in his voice. "Dont you really know who i am?" Taehyung said and the guy look at him or more on stared at him. He frowend realising how the boy infront of him looks. A thick eyeglasses with a brace and his big nose. Nerd Taehyung heard him and chuckle, "Judging me by my looks, mister?" The guy was about to say something when Jin arrived. "What are yoing?! Let my son go!" Jin was confused on why the hell Taehyung is here, he should be at Jungkook's place by now. He wants to ask him but he set aside it first, he is glad that he is here and he can introduce him to his father. "Didn't you hear him?" Taehyung said annoyed. The guy suddenly let go Taehyung's hand and the others was shock. They didnt know that this nerd is the King's grandson. "Im sorry Master Kim. I didn't know." The man apologised but Jin ignored him. Taehyung look at them confuse but Jin holds him and the three of them enter the mansion. "Appa~~~ " Taehyung yelled and run to his father who was at the dining, he hug him tight like he doesn't see him for years. "I miss you appa." He said with a pout. Namjoon laugh at his son's childish behaviour. "Who is he?" Taehyung ask when he notice the man silently observing him. But then he suddenly remember and realised who was it. He quickly detached his hug to his father and bowed to the man. "Im..im sorry your highness" he stutter. He kept his posture bowed 90 degrees and when he felt a hand in his shoulder he then again stand. Goodness, what was happening? Why the king of Spain is here? He said to himself. As if Jin reads his son's mind, "Tae, he is your grandfather." Jin said. Taehyung laugh out loud. "Eomma...seriously? I know im in danger but do you really---" he stop when he notice that everyone around him was serious. He turn to face his father, and Namjoon nod. He gasp, his eyes bulge almost coming out. He then realised his appearance and without thinking a second thought, he quickly removed his eyeglasse and brace, even the thick mask in his face infront of them. "Yah, Kim Taehyung. How nervouse are you that you really remove that infront of us." Jin said laughing. "Oh my...i cant believe you really grow up beautiful." the king said and Taehyung blush. The man stand from his sit and hug him, Taehyung was startle a bit but response to the hug. "I cant believe im a grandson of a king." He said then they laugh at him. "Did i--" "Yes you said it loud." Jin cut him and again they laugh. Infront of their dinner, they told told everything to him. After eating, Jin's father left with even though he told him that he can stay for a night but the other insisted to leave. "So tell me, what happen and you are here?" Jin ask Taehyung. "Its a long story eomma, im tired. I want to sleep." Taehyung yawned. Jin sigh, he knows something happens and he cant force his son to tell him. "Okay, go and sleep for now,but you will tell me what happen tomorrow." He patted his sons shoulder and Taehyung nod before walking uostair to his room. He throws himself to his bed. He was so tired today and his mind wonders to every information of his true identity. Kim Taehyung Byun Taehyung Kidnap Regained Memories King's Grandson He almost jump from his bed when his phone rings. He look at the caller id... Asshole He was about to put his phone to the table when he realised who was calling him. Jeon Jungkook!!! He gulp nervously, thinking if he will answer it or ignore it. He kept staring on the screen until it stop ringing. But then he receive a message, he opened it and read it. Asshole: Do you really have the guts to disobey me,Kim Taehyung! Come home right now or else you will regret it! I swear, even your parents cant save you if you continue to disobey me! To Taehyung's frustration, he throws his phone at the wall and it landed on the floor into pieces. Jin was heading to their room when he pass by to his son's room. He heard something inside so he knock the door before opening it. He saw Taehyung staring at the wall, "Tae baby, what happen?" He ask worriedly. He then loom at the floor where the phone is. "That f*****g asshole is really a pain in my ass,eomma! I hate him! I f*****g really hate him!" Taehyung shouted and harshly pulled his hair. Jin hug him and and ask him what happen. Taehyung sit at his bed beside his eomma and start telling him what happen in the university. "Im sorry baby, i know he should not do that but its for your own sake." Jin explained. Just in the middle of their talks when Namjoon rush to Taehyung's room. Jin and Taehyung look at him confused. "Jeon is downstair." He stated. Taehyung flinch hearing his name and Jin notice it. He squeez his son's hand softly,assuring that everything will be okay. Jin and Namjoon exit the room followed by Taehyung. He hate admitting that he really feels scared to the mafia leader, he just dont really like to show it to him. "Im sorry for visiting late,hyung. Im here to bring back Taehyung home." Jungkook said his eyes darted at the brunette behind his parents. "Jeon, can i talk for a few minutes to you?" Jin ask and the ykunger one agree. They both walk near at the balcony, not wanting Taehyung to hear them. "Appa, do i really need to stay with him?" Taehyung ask Namjoon. "Im really sorry baby, i know you hated him, i can see that. But he is not that bad at all, im sure you will get along with him soon." Namjook said, looking at the balcony where Jin and Jungkook are seriously discussing something. After less than fifteen minutes, the two came at the living room. "Lets go home." Jungkook said in a soft voice. Taehyung look at his parents and both nod with smile.
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