Dont talk to strangers!

2091 Words
Jungkook's Pov: Now that we are okay, and his parents agrees living him with me but in one condition, no s*x until he turns 18. I laugh internally when they say it in chorus, and my angel was blushing so hard hearing it. I stare at him lovingly and i cant imagine how lucky i am that he belongs to me...yeah he is mine. Everything about him is mine, mine and mine only. When he remembers that he has a performance, i grab his hand and let him sit again. "Not so fast baby. Its only pass seven. Your performance is nine." Taehyung raised his eyebrow to me, and i really find it cute and hot. And damn, i can feel my d**k twitch. "How did you know the time?" I  shrug, and Taehyung he pout. Damn those pouty lips, i licked my lips staring at him. "Stop that or i'll devour you here infront of them,baby boy." I whispered when i lean to his ear, not forgetting to touch my lips to his skin, and oh f**k!!! Im having a big problem now down there. "" Jin hyung said looking at us and i just smile shrugging my shoulder to him. After eating and chatting, we all gather at the couch while my baby went to his room to change his cloths. "Yah Kook. No s*x till he's 18." I choke on my own when Jin hyung blurted out of nowhere. "Okay...okay..fine...." i put my hands in the air in surrender. But i dont think i can control myself. "Ouch hyung!" I whined when i felt a hard flick on my forehead and a smack at my shoulder. "Control your self Kook. I can see how you almost want to devour him earlier and...." "Hyung, if you dont stop, i swear i go upstair in this instant and devour him." Covering my lower part when Jin raising his eyebrows looking at it. Damn, im so embarrass infront of them, seeing their smirk at my own problem. "You son of a b***h!" Jin hyung smack me again and i chuckle. But my heart skip a beat when my eyes caught a figure standing at the stair. I felt my world moves in slow motion seeing the most beautiful face in the world. "Can we just go and cuddle, angel?" I blurted out and another smack i receive but not from Jin hyung. Its from Namjoin hyung at this time. "Hyung~~~" i whine and all of them laugh, but one laugh is all i can hear. Those deep yet angelic laugh sounds like a music to my ears. "Better we go now before this p*****t do something to my beautiful son." Jin walks to Namjoon hyung and wrapped his hand around his husband arm. Chanyeol and Baek hyung pat my shoulder when they pass at me. "Lets go baby before i can do something else." I whisper when i get closer to him, nuzzling my face to the crook of his neck, inhaling his addicted smell. "Lets go,Kookie." He said and oh....i missed that name. I led him outside but i pause and he look at me. I stare at him and smirk, i again leaned and this time i kissed his neck,bit it and he let out a soft moan. I leave a hickey that is very visible to see. "There you go, darling. Now they know that you are taken." I said looking at his blushing face. "Jeon Jungkook!!!! What did i tell you?!" I jolted when i heard a yelling Jin inside their car. I laugh   and interlock our hands, walking towards Taehyung's car. Of course we will use his car, the fact that i drive his motor earlier. "Keep your f*****g d**k to your self Jeon until he turns 18!" Taehyung shook his head in disbelief. Dont get him wrong, he loves his parents so much. "Okay fine hyung..." i said nonchalantly before opening the passenger door and let my baby sit, i lock his seat belt and kiss his lip before closing the door. "What are you doing?" Taehyung ask when i enter the car and pulled my phone and call someone. "Tell the mens guard every area and make sure to be alert all the time. We will be there after thirty minutes." I ended the call and start the car. "Jeon Jungkook?!" "Baby, i just want you to be safe. Nothing else." I reach his hand and put it on my lips and kissed it. "I love you baby." "I love you too,Kookie." I start driving still holding his hand. Theres a comfortable silence between us. "Its Jimin" Taehyung saif when his phone rings. "Yeah, we are coming Chim. Is Wendy with you? Okay...bye." "Thank you,baby." "For what?" "For everything. I really dont know what to do if i lose you. I love you, Kim Taehyung." I confess caressing the back of his hand. "Thank you also for not giving up on me,Kookie. I love you more,Kook." The ride was not long and not boring having my baby beside me. Holding him closer to me make my life complete. We reach the bar and i can see my men standing on their post everywhere. "Lets go inside baby." Reaching his hand and holding it possessively. "Hyung!!!!" He yelled and i swear he gained the attention of my mens when he suddenly run and hug one of my men. "Tae-master Tae." "Yah! I told you not to call me that." I watched him pout and i saw a discomfort on Kris face when he saw me looking at them. I hate when someone is too close to my baby. I saw Kai hand on my baby's waist and i clench my jaw. I walk towards them and fake a cough. "Good evening Mr. Jeon." "Hands off, Kris." He quickly retreated his hand i pulled Taehyung closer to me, my hand made his way to his waist. "Come on,baby. Its almost time." I whisper but my eye glaring at Kai. I make a mental note to talk to them later. "Meannie..." Taehyung muttered under his mouth but i still heard it. "Im sorry baby. Its just that i dont want someone closer or touching you. Remember, you're mine. Mine alone,baby." "Taehyung!!!!" We almost stumble when his friends jump at him upon entering the bar, ignoring the crowd looking at our direction. After a small chatting, they return to their table where Namjin and Chanyeol and Baek are seated already. "You're here too,hyung." I ask sitting beside him. "No im not,Jeon." Yoongi hyung replied in savage tone. "Yeah..yeah..yeah.." i said but my eyes now are focus to the person at the stage. Crowds are shouting his name, yeah his alias KT, and some shouting his real name. Jungkook look around and he can see some lusty eyes staring at his baby,like they are eye r****g him. He clench his jaw, bowling his fist on the table. Your so hot,KT!!! Witweeww.. so beautiful "Damn, i want you Kim Taehyung!  "What the f**k!" "Hey! Whats your problem Jeon?" Jin ask me. I look at him with furrowed brows. "Look at him hyung, they are eye r****g him now. What the hell he do and remove his jacket?" I groaned. Jin laugh at me, "yah! Jeon! Are you out of you mind? This is bar, i hate seeing those f*****g eyes too but we agree that we will have fun today with him. Dont ruin it." I close my eyes and sigh, calming my anger. I remember when i lose my temper that causing him to panic. I hate the way they look at him but i need to control myself. I opened my eyes and look at my baby, our eyes met and he smiles at me. My anger melt seeing his sweet smile, and that is only for me. After his performance, he walk at the left side and the owner talk to him. I just observe and i frown when the owner point somewhere else.  I look at the direction at saw a smirking man in his thirties. I was about to stand when Namjoon talk. "Jeon, we dont want any trouble. Taehyung can handle this, lets just sit and observe." I disagree to what he said but when i saw my baby walk towards our table i smile. "Your amazing Tae baby." Jin said pulling the empty sit in-between us. "This will he my last performance here,eomma." "Really baby?" I blurted, holding his hand. "Jeon..eomma he said. Are you his eomma? Your stealing my scene." Jin flip his imaginary long hair. I chuckled on his words. "Su--- "You! How dare you ignore me,huh?!" "Oh, sorry mister." Taehyung bowed and i had the urge to just kill this man right now. How dare he make my baby bow and apologised to him. "Taehyung..." "Im really sorry sir but im not sitting with strangers. My parents told me never to talk nor sit with strangers." I chuckled to his reply yet im so proud of my baby. "Do you know who i am?" The man leaned closer to my baby. All of us in the table just observing them, i can see through the corner of my eyes my men are moving slowly to us. Taehyung stare at him, up and down with his eyebrows, "do you know who i am,mister?" Wow...thats so hot of him. I thought and i heard Namjoon and Chanyeol chuckle. Crowd around us are busy to their own worlds. "You dont want to mess with me boy." Taehyung chuckled, slapping the mans hand that  almost touch his face. "Oh f**k you asshole. You will regret messing with me if you know me." "Oh c'ome mister stranger. You'll be the one regretting upon messing with me." Taehyung fired back in a sassy yet mockingly voice. "Hm!!!" Namjoon cough and the man raised his eyebrows to him. "Nam-Namjoon?" The man widened his eye and we look confused at them. "Small world, Yuta." Namjoon stand from his sit patting the others shoulder. "Know him appa?" "Appa?" Yuta repeated. "Take a sit." Namjoon offers him the empty sit beside Jungkook. They were all have the look of -the f**k is going on?- "You heard it right. He's my son. And i dont tolerate the way you talk to him, Yuta." He glared at the man. The tension in their table is so thick that can be cut by a knife. "He was a friend back when we are in high school." "What?!" All of them said in chorus. Yuta chuckled and his eyes averted to Taehyung again, and it doesn't go unnoticed to the mafia leader. And Jungkook hate it, he hates the way Yuta stare at him like he's undressing his boyfriend. Jungkook felt that Taehyung was uncomfortable on the others way of staring at him. "Tae baby, are you okay?" Jungkook ask and Taehyung smile at him. "So, can i ask to date your son, Joon?" Jungkook leaned his back, while the others drop their jaw on how straight forward the man talk. Taehyung stare at Jungkook with a smug face. While Jungkook having the hard time controlling to kill the person beside him. Namjoon laugh and Jin glared at him. "Yeah you can..." Namjoon replied. Taehyung was about to say something, "if...." he smirk playfully at Jungkook. "If what Joon?" Yuta ask still his gaze at Taehyung. "If his boyfriend allow you." Jungkook shipilishly smirk at what he heard, he's glad that Namjoon trust him. The man narrowed his eyebrow and tilt his head at Jungkook's direction, not knowing who he is. "Oh come on, Joon. He is just a kid." He said, mockingly at Jungkook. Taehyung felt Jungkook clench his fish so he caress it, assuring that everything will be okay. "Wow...i cant believe you just call him a kid." Yoongi gulp his drinks. Just when one of Jungkook's men appeared and say something to Jungkook. "Hyung, we will go first. Something came up." Jungkook stand, being a possessive boyfriend, he wrap his hand to Taehyung's waist. "See you then,Jeon." Namjoon replied. Taehyung hug his parents and hyung and even his friends before they totally exits the bar. "Jeon?" Yuta muttered. Yoongi left with Jimin and Hoseok  after less than five minutes. "So, its getting late. We need to go.  See you then, Yuta." And before Yuta can say anything, he was all alone at the table. "Kim Taehyung." He smirk evilishly after gulping his drink. 
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