10 - Just One Please

1944 Words
Felicity     As soon as lilacs and carrots made my nose tingle, my eyes snapped to Zane and immediately widened.  Fiona excitedly started chanting about him being our mate, but she clearly forgot, I was deeply in love with Xavier.     It took all of two seconds for me to decide I had to reject him right away.  Not wasting any time, I got to my feet and walked over to him, then I said the words that would send him away from me.     As I hoped, he didn’t stick around to change my mind.  All he said was your loss, not mine, then he left me standing in the dining hall with all eyes on me.     Despite being the sudden center of attention, I returned to my seat and finished eating my food in silence.  It wasn’t until my mum asked if I wanted to talk about it, then I finally spoke, “No!  There is nothing to talk about.  I love Xavier, and he loves me.  Now we can move forward as chosen mates.”     “Do you really think Xavier is the better choice for you?  Zane is strong.  Born of Beta blood.  He is also extremely handsome, and so very sweet,” my mum commented, trying to sway me in a different direction, but I wasn’t taking the bait.     “Enough about Xavier and Zane.  I’ve already made my decision, and I won’t change my mind,” I stated with determination.     “Very well, darling.  What is your plan, now that you have picked a mate?” she asked.     “Nothing will change.  I’ll still train with the warriors and prepare for when the Protection Spell fades away,” I nonchalantly informed her.     “As long as I still get to enjoy time with you, I’ll support whatever you decide,” my mum assured me.     When we were done eating, my mum and I sat in the garden, where we enjoyed the songs created by birds and the beauty of the many flowers.  It has always been my favorite place to frequent when in need of a quiet place to think, but I also liked to go there just for the hell of it.     After leaving the garden, I made my way back to Xavier’s cabin.  The sun had set some time ago, so I knew he must be bored by now.     I found my man lying on the bed with his feet hanging over the edge and his eyes fixed on the ceiling.  There was a towel wrapped around his hips, but his ultra-blonde hair appeared to be completely dry.     While closing the gap between us, I wondered why he looked so dazed.  Once I was standing between his legs, I ran my palms up the front of his torso and asked, “What’s bothering you, sweetheart?”     “I was just missing you,” he mumbled with his yellow eyes going void of any emotion.     “I missed you, too,” I hummed while unwrapping the towel.  Once it was out of the way, I circled my fingers around his flaccid manhood and gave it a few pumps.  When nothing happened, I squeezed a little harder and warily asked, “What’s up with this?  You’re usually hard as a rock the second I touch you.     “I guess I need a little more inspiration this time,” he sheepishly responded with an apologetic look on his face.     To help the process along, I put him in my mouth and sucked, but he still remained flaccid.  Disgruntled with the sudden change in Xavier, I stepped back and growled, “I don’t know what the problem is, but please tell me... I didn’t just reject my mate for nothing.”     He sprang up into a sitting position, then Xavier flashed a sexy smirk my way and mumbled, “Get your cute ass over here, so I can mark you.”     “You’re gonna have to catch me first,” I playfully remarked before sprinting out of the bedroom.     I knew how much he liked to chase me.  It was always a huge turn-on for my mate.     As I ran down the short hall, I pulled my little yellow sundress over my head, getting it out of the way early.  I had barely stepped into the living room when I felt his hands grasp hold of my hips, then Xavier pulled me back against him.      His hands rubbed up and down the front of my body, as Xavier mumbled against my ear, “It’s past time for me to make you mine.”     “Do it!  I dare you!” I pressured, wanting nothing more than to be his.     I felt his canines scrape against my sweet spot, making me shiver with anticipation, then Xavier lifted his head and whispered, “Not yet.”     The next thing I knew, I was being spun around to face Xavier, then he pinned me against the wall the next second.  “I need something else right now,” he informed me while positioning himself at my entrance.     I was about to question his choice to wait when he thrusted his impressive length deep into my core, then Xavier started thrusting his fabulous c**k in and out of me at an insanely fast pace.   Digging my nails into his back, I moaned his name in pleasure and insisted he mark me, while enjoying the way he was f*****g me good and hard.       That was until Zane tackled us both to the ground, then he started ramming his elbow into Xavier’s side while yelling at him about Zoey.  At first, my brain didn’t want to register the words leaving Zane’s mouth, but my wolf acted the part of a parrot, repeating every word about Xavier having s*x with Zoey before he rejected her.     It explained so much.  Xavier’s dazed look when I arrived.  His lack of hardness when I first initiated s*x with him.  His hesitation about marking me.     The fact that we were both mated to the twins was uncanny, but it didn’t change the fact that I loved Xavier, and he’s the one I wanted to be with.  However, I wasn’t so confident he was feeling the same way.     It was a life-changing decision to make, and I felt like Xavier should really think about what he wants.  Knowing we both needed a little space, I left Xavier and Zane on the floor of the cabin and returned to the garden, so I could also take the time to think about what I wanted.  Zane      After leaving Xavier’s cabin, I took my time, walking back to the castle, while I thought about the irony of our situation.  It really sucked.       I didn’t care about finding my mate until it happened, then I got rejected before given a fair chance.  Zoey was actually looking forward to finding her mate, but she didn’t make a big deal about it to others.     Why did we have to be mated to the known love-cats of the pack?  It just wasn’t fair.     I was walking past the garden when I noticed Felicity sitting on one of the stone benches.  She was no longer naked, but the only thing covering her gorgeous, tanned body was a dark blue t-shirt.     As I walked closer, I could see the tears of sadness drop from her long eyelashes, but she wasn’t making a sound.  My mate was silently crying, and I felt compelled to give her comfort.     Not asking permission beforehand, I sat down beside Felicity, then I rubbed her back in silence.  She stole a few glances at me before climbing onto my lap, then she searched my eyes for several seconds.     Feeling guilty for my part in causing those tears, I reached up and rubbed the pads of my thumbs over her pronounced cheekbones while hoarsely mumbling, “I wish I could have you!  I would give you everything you could ever want.  Most of all, the love you deserve.”     “Why couldn’t I have fallen in love with you instead of Xavier?  Why does this have to be so hard and complicated?” she questioned with despair and sadness swirling in her unique orange orbs.     “I don’t know, my love.  All I know is… I want you, but you want Xavier.  To make things worse, he is my twin sister’s fated mate.  This s**t couldn’t be more complicated,” I grumbled in frustration.     “Do you really want me, Zane?” Felicity asked in disbelief.     “Of course, I do!  How could I not?  You’re sweet, gorgeous, and one hell of a fighter,” I gushed, wanting to make sure she knew I was being serious.     I watched her lips twitch a few times before they curved up to form a small smile, then she insisted, “Kiss me, Zane!”     After sliding my fingers through her silky hair to the back of her head, I gazed into her beautiful orange eyes and whispered, “If I kiss you once, I will want to keep kissing you.”     “Please, mate!  Xavier got to kiss his mate.  Hell, he got to mate with her.  It’s only fair I get to do the same,” she whined.     “Fair to whom?  You, I suppose, but definitely not me,” I retorted, feeling a little resentful.     “Shut up, mate,” she growled before attacking my lips with hers.     As I expected, there was no pulling away from Felicity once our lips connected.  I kissed her with urgency, enjoying the way my lips were tingling from the sparks, and she seemed happy to keep kissing me.     After a few short minutes, the scent of her arousal wafted up into my nose and nearly drove my wolf mad.  I had to fight him to keep control, as she squirmed on top of me and moaned into the kiss.     It wasn’t much longer before she broke the kiss we were sharing and kissed her way to my ear, then she whispered, “I want to f**k you, Zane,” making my body tremble from the cold chill that ran down my spine.     “You’re not yet mine to mate with, Felicity.  Please, don’t tempt me with something that will never be mine,” I grumbled, despite wanting nothing more than to mate with the beautiful she-cat grinding against me.     “Why won’t you let me embrace our mate bond just one time?  Zane, I really need this right now.  I need you,” she pleaded with new tears springing into her eyes.     I couldn’t handle the sight of those tears.  Nor could I deny my mate what she was seeking.     After tightening my arms around Felicity, I murmured into her ear, “Embrace our bond.”     Felicity pecked a kiss on my cheek, then she reached between us and pulled my length out at the top of my shorts, then she immediately took me into her core.  A loud moan escaped from me, as her walls enveloped my length in a blanket of warmth and tingling sparks.     She began rolling her hips, then our lips came back together for another needy kiss.  It felt magical, mating with Felicity in the garden, and there was no stopping myself from falling in love with her during that incredible mating session.     Felicity must have enjoyed it just as much, because she insisted, we spend the rest of the night together, hanging out and talking at the waterfall.  Of course, we couldn’t resist the urge to mate again, multiple times throughout the night, and every time left me feeling happier than I had ever felt in my life. 
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