14 - Uncertainty

1543 Words

Savannah     As we neared the end of the second week after little Jacob was born, it was time to sit down with Andrea and Jesse, so they could fill us in on the training schedule.  It was going to take a lot of energy and willpower to keep up while also taking care of our little one, but it was something that had to be done.     Knowing what we would be training on, and what weapons we might need, helped a lot with our own personal planning.  Jameson and I had to line up a sitter during the training hours, but that turned out to be much easier than I expected.  All of his family were eager to help out.     On Friday, we took little Jake on his first outing to the pack department store.  Of course, he slept almost the entire time.  While we were there, I picked out a few contraptions to

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