2024 Words

- Johanna, your 4:30 pm commitment just arrived. Olivia"s voice rings through the intercom, interrupting my ramblings, and I roll my eyes. I smile when I hear her call me by name. My new assistant is a charming and very funny girl, with whom I had an affinity from the first instant. Just like everyone close to me, she calls me Jo, except in front of customers. - Thank you, Livy, give me five minutes that I will already answer you - I answer after pressing the intercom button. Shrugging, I straighten the papers spread out in front of me, berating myself for thinking about Zach during office hours. I"ve never been the type of girl who usually daydreams, but since New Year"s Eve a few weeks ago, I"ve been more distracted than usual, which sucks for my productivity. I have been working for

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