2005 Words
I look at the clock in the corner of the room. 7 pm. Patience is not one of my virtues, which makes me walk up and down the apartment, waiting for Zach to arrive. No delays, he told me, as if I was not an extremely punctual person. Maybe he should have said that to himself, since punctuality, it seems, is not his virtue. No delayshisI stop in front of the mirror in the hallway. Despite my numerous questions about where we were going, all he told me was that I should dress appropriately for a New Year"s Eve celebration. I pass my hand through the beautiful green silk dress that cost me a fortune, but that I bought it because it is the color of my eyes. It really looks great on me. And it still seems to have been made to be worn with the beautiful – and sky-high-sandal - that George gave me as a gift for Christmas, boasting that he had chosen a gift that was perfect for any occasion. And as always, he"s right. I evaluate my reflection in the mirror, observing my lips painted in a very discreet tone, the eyes highlighted with the dark shade smoked and the eyeliner, until I reach my dark blonde hair, which is stuck in a loose bun that I am sure before the end of the night will be undone – if I know my companion well. I moisten my lips and bring my hand to my neck, more precisely to the drop-shaped pendant that hangs on the necklace that Zach gave me for Christmas. The jewelry is beautiful, delicate and elegant, and since he put it on my neck, I have not taken it off anymore. I can"t deny that I was happy to have received such a special gift. Zach is a caring man and has chosen a piece of jewelry that I can wear on any occasion, including at work. Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoes through the room and I feel a chill in my belly of anticipation. I walk to the door and as I open it, I come across Mr. Delight, which is more delicious than ever. Dark social pants, light shirt and a graphite blazer, cover that strong and well distributed body. His blue eyes twinkle at the sight of me, and from the sexy tangle of his locks, I know he"s run his hands through his hair, countless times. No matter how many times we meet. All I have to do is see him, so I can feel this cold in my stomach and the excitement take care of me. I get to him before Zach can even take a step inside the apartment. He looks so sexy that I would give up going anywhere just to go to my room with him. - You look beautiful, Princess, - he whispers, as his lips cover mine. The kiss is so full of l**t, I wouldn"t even be able to pronounce my name, even if my life depended on it. As our mouths are joined, I feel his hands go down my body, towards my hip. Suddenly he stops, pushing his hands and lips away and I immediately miss his touch. He arches his eyebrow and asks, surprising me. - Princess, what did I tell you? - What? - I frown, confused. I think I was very clear. I told you to dress appropriately for a New Year"s Eve celebration, but not to wear panties. His expression is serious, as if this is a reasonable request. It really isn"t, but I usually counter him for the pleasure of the challenge. I can"t deny I love it when he gets all bossy like that. - Ohhhh no! - I protest and he frowns. - I"m not going out to I don"t know where without panties. - I cross my arms and raise my face in defiance. I need to make a big effort not to let out a little smile. I don"t know whereHe leans against the door frame, crosses his arms and speaks in a calm voice, as if inviting me to the most innocent of walks. The choice is yours, Princess. Either you take it, or I take it. If I take it off, you know it"s going to be another tear. And this time I won"t buy another one to replace it. - What if I do not agree with these options? I ask and watch his lips curl in displeasure. - In this case, I"m going back to my house and we"ll spend New Year"s Eve apart, just because you"re stubborn enough not to comply with a simple request - he says, in a serious tone, and his blue eyes show disappointment, which causes me a tightness deep in my chest, and which I disregard, with no desire to understand where this strange feeling comes from. Knowing that this round I get lost, turn around and leave the room without saying anything. I go to my room and remove the object of discussion. Before leaving, I look in the mirror again, carefully noting whether there is something that should not be in sight under my dress. roundSatisfied that all the important parts are covered, I leave the room and go back to the living room to find Mr. Bossy. I"m about to make an implicating comment, when I look around and don"t see anyone. Where is he? - I wonder, feeling that tightness in my chest get even bigger. I can"t believe he left, that he did this to me. I know I played the spoiled girl, but that"s no reason for him to leave without even saying goodbye. Where is heThe tightness in my chest seems to cause a big lump in my throat, making it difficult to swallow. A slight tremor runs through my body, and I feel tears form in my eyes. You see, I"m not the kind of girl who cries. Not really. Except in movies that dogs die. Crying over a man? Never. That is why this strange feeling that he provoked in me with his departure seems strange and meaningless to me. I sit on the couch, while a huge feeling of emptiness seems to run through and spread inside me. I had no idea how much I was looking forward to seeing him, nor how much this man was messing with me. And now he"s gone. Shit. I wish I was feeling angry, that I could get it out of me with a few hours at the gym I attend three times a week, throwing a few punches and kicks in the sandbag. But what I feel is a little deeper. And much more painful. Heartache, pure and simple. I close my eyes and a tear falls, followed by another. I take a deep breath, trying to contain them, but that knot seems to widen even more. Then I feel a light touch in my hand. A pressure on my shoulder. And a perfume that I know too well, invade my senses. I open my eyes in fear and come across Zach, who is kneeling in front of me, looking as sad as I am. - Hey! - he mutters and brings his hand to my face, capturing the tear that ran down my right cheek with his fingertip. - What"s up, Honey? Why are you crying? You don"t have to do anything that you don"t want to do - he says, and his voice sounds very worried. Distressed even. Just tell me I"m pushing the boundaries. - He frames my face with both hands, and his blue eyes darken as they look into mine. - Please don"t cry. It ends with me seeing you like this. - Zach leans in and gives a very light kiss on my lips. - You"re here! - I murmur, being pulled into your arms. - You didn"t leave... Feeling Zach"s warm, firm body around mine, has the power to undo the lump in my throat, ease my heart, and relax all my tense muscles. I run my hands through his messy hair, stroking and pulling him closer to me. - You found it... you thought I was gone? - he asks, looking stunned. - Without warning? Or say goodbye? God, no, Princess. I would never do that. I went to the laundry room to close the window. He kisses me again. - I hate to see you like this - he says, his lips still pressed against mine. - I"m sorry... I take a deep breath and move away just enough to look at him. - I thought so... that you had been disappointed in me. - As soon as the words escape my mouth, I feel like mentally slapping myself. s**t! - I think to myself. What emotional wave is this, that has taken me and transformed me into this person I don"t recognize – who cries and talks too much? Is it some kind of virus? ShitWhat emotional wave is this, that has taken me and transformed me into this person I don"t recognize – who cries and talks too much? Is it some kind of virus?- Oh, Jo... you don"t disappoint me. Never - he says and his eyes twinkle, reflecting the truth. - I love when you challenge me. When you lift that snub nose and teases me. Makes me think of a number of things I can do to "punish" this naughty behavior of yours. - Zach squints his eyes and opens that naughty smile he uses when he"s in Mr. Delight mode. I can"t stop the trail of energy that runs through my body, starting on my feet, climbing up my legs and making me crave his touch at my innermost point. My stomach twists into knots of anticipation and my breathing gasps, indicating I"m ready for him. For us. - What do you want? - the bartender asks with a smile on his face. - Champagne. And a scotch - I ask, before turning to the dance floor again, where I left Jo, a few moments ago. Moving her body in the sensual rhythm of the beat, Jo seems lost in her private little world – which is pretty hard to get into. The woman is beautiful, smart, fun and very sensual – everything I could ever want to find in a girl, but to access her heart, I must first climb the high concrete wall she has built around it and dodge the traps she has spread to keep men at bay. But I"m a patient guy and she"s worth it. She"s really worth it. I can"t help but smile as I look at her, as I think of the steps toward victory I took today, even at the cost of her tears. Don"t get me wrong. It was horrible to see her cry, thinking I was gone, but if my departure would make her so upset as to “show a weakness”, as she often says about those who get carried away by emotions. Jo is not the type of woman who reacts emotionally to anything and has a steely control. So, watching her deliver the emotion made me feel like I had taken about ten steps in our relationship. She moves her hips in time to the music and I feel my body stiffen. We"ve been to nightclubs countless times, and I"ve seen her dance, but today she looks especially sexy. Her slender body moves to the beat, dancing sensually, and her hair is already loose and wild, just the way I love it. I feel like she frees herself from all ties when we"re together. In bed and out. My s*x life has never been more erotic with any other woman and seeing her move in this sexy way, all I can think about is taking her, right here. I don"t care about anybody.
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