Chapter 24 I'll Get Out

1960 Words
B*tch... Gu Baisheng's mouth twitched. She had known Song Shuang for so many years, but she never heard him calling any woman a b*tch. Now he did so to her. She could never forget it. Gu Baisheng was wronged, warned, and shouted at, so she couldn't stay here anymore. She turned around to leave angrily. She took off Gu Baisheng's nightdress and put on the clothes that she wore on her way to Song Shuang's home. And then she rushed out after grabbing the key of Jinshayuan. When she was about to leave, she looked at the distorted beer can in Song Shuang's hand. She wanted to say something, but she ended up leaving in silence. Gu Baisheng was outrageous when she left. So she slammed the door loudly. Her next-door neighbor was so shocked that they went out to have a look. After she left, Song Shuang sighed heavily. He put the distorted beer can on the table. It was too distorted to stand still, and it fell on the table. The cold beer flowed out of the can, running across the glass table and dripping on the floor. Song Shuang closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa tiredly with his head up. His head ached a bit because of tiredness and anger. But he couldn't help recalling something about Bai Shengsheng when his head ached. Including when she suddenly spoke up and reminded him that cold beer was bad for his stomach. He numbed himself with cold beers after work since Gu Baisheng died. He could only forget the fact that that woman was dead when he was drunk. He could never hear her voice and see her in his home. But Bai Shengsheng's voice and figure showed up in this place out of the blue. Her presence filled up his void. He wished that Gu Baisheng could come back. But what he needed was not her substitute. So he hated Bai Shengsheng. He hated her so much. He closed his eyes tiredly. Suddenly he opened his eyes again. He stared at the dark ceiling in the living room with his deep eyes. He seemed to see the words that Bai Shengsheng said when she was slapped by Shen Jing. "Cheng Bi..." She cried for Cheng Bi's help. And she told him her fear. When she was unconscious, she acted like an injured animal and mistook him for Cheng Bi, so she tried so hard to hide in his arms. Seven years ago, Gu Baisheng did that to him too. When he recalled the way Gu Baisheng looked seven years ago, he somehow found Bai Shengsheng's reaction was exactly the same. It was so similar that it made him scared. The more he thought, the more upset he got. So he stood up and entered Gu Baisheng's room. He grabbed everything Bai Shengsheng touched and the nightdress she wore and threw them into the washing machine. This woman was copying Shengsheng. She was copying the love of his life. But no matter how much she tried, it was only a parody. He wouldn't treat her well nor like her. And he didn't need this woman's care. ... Luckily, it was not too late when Gu Baisheng ran away from her home. And she still had some money in her purse. She grabbed a taxi to go to Jinshayuan. And it didn't take her long. But her phone was running low on battery when she arrived. But Bai Dahai and his wife called her and said in a commanding voice, "Shengsheng, send your mom 30 thousand Yuan now!" "What?" Why did he ask for 30 thousand Yuan? She didn't get it. She knew what kind of parents Bai Dahai and Xia Juan were. They only had one daughter and wished her to marry a rich guy to support her whole family. And her marriage to Song Shuang made Bai Dahai proud. But she only got married less than a week. It was too much to ask for money so soon. Gu Baisheng didn't feel emotionally attached to them, but she still had to call them parents. She asked Bai Dahai politely when she was opening the door, "What happened? Why did you suddenly need the money?" "It's your mom..." "What happened to my mom?" Bai Dahai didn't have to explain anything to his daughter when he asked for money. And his daughter would give him all her money. Even if she didn't have money, she would ask other men's help. But now, Bai Shengsheng's body had a new master. Gu Baisheng needed a reason before she made the decision. Bai Dahai was a bit confused. But he thought if he told her that it was his gambling debt, she would not give him the money easily, so he said, "Your mom was ill. She's in the hospital now and needs money." "Ill?" Gu Baisheng opened the door and entered the room. She fumbled to on the light and didn't pay attention to the furnishings here. She sat on the sofa and asked Bai Dahai in more detail, "What kind of illness? She was fine the day before yesterday. Which hospital is it? I'll go there soon." Bai Dahai made the whole thing up, so if Gu Baisheng went to the hospital, she would find it out. Bai Dahai frowned and looked at his wife. Xia Juan said to her husband when she found that it was not easy to fool their daughter. "Maybe you can tell her the truth, Dahai?" Bai Dahai frowned, and his face was a little tight. Apparently, he was not happy. Xia Juan said, "Although she married to that family, they haven't said anything about it yet. Even if you ask her for money, she couldn't lend it from them without reason." "You tell her!" Bai Dahai passed the phone to Xia Juan. Xia Juan felt embarrassed too, but she was used to it. So she thought it was normal to ask for money from their daughter. So she said, "Shengsheng, it's because of your dad's illness." "Aren't you ill? Now it becomes him?" Gu Baisheng was so speechless. Xia Juan explained, "I don't mean physically. I mean that he lost 30 thousand Yuan because of gambling." Gu Baisheng looked down. She realized that her parents treated her as a cash cow and planned to make full use of her. But it wasn't good if they never knew when to stop. She had to fix their problem in one go. Xia Juan was worried that her daughter would refuse, so she was still thinking about how to persuade her. Unexpectedly, Gu Baisheng agreed easily, "Will he pay the money back tonight? Give me the address. I'll go with him." "You'll go with him?" Xia Juan was a bit surprised. Gu Baisheng nodded, "Yes, I'll go with him. But Song Shuang just finished his work. I'll go with him after I heat up his dinner. Ask dad to wait over there and give me the address. I'll go over with Song Shuang soon." Xia Juan and Bai Dahai were happy on hearing this. Bai Dahai was so proud when he thought about his daughter marrying Song Shuang. He wanted to use this chance to show off his son-in-law to remind those gamblers who looked down on him. He agreed without a second thought. Gu Baisheng planned to examine her flat at Jinshayuan after finishing the phone call. So she turned on the lights of every single room. Meanwhile, Bai Dahai gave her the address and told her the time. After seeing it, Gu Baisheng made a phone call. Then she continued looking at the place. The flat was about 140 square meters. It was decorated in a simple European style with only a few colors. The color combination of black and white was modest and clean. But it made people feel cold in this place. It had one main bedroom and two side bedrooms. There was a big balcony, a sunny living room, and a well-ventilated kitchen. The bathtub in the bathroom made her feel comfortable. She would definitely take a bath if she didn't get her neck and back injured. She had a look at the side bedroom too, but she found nothing but some quilts. The air conditioning was installed. And the water and electricity in this flat both worked well. Everything was ready except for the empty fridge. She even found some clean shirts and trousers in a side bedroom. Before Gu Baisheng died, he sometimes came to this place to take a nap at noon. And the clothes and trousers were all proof. She somewhat recalled how kind Song Shuang was to Gu Baisheng. Gu Baisheng lingered in this bedroom and fumbled around. Suddenly, she opened the drawer of a bedstand and found a photo album. Her heart beat loudly. Her heart raced. She took out the photo album with her shaking hand. As she opened it, she found that it was all about Gu Baisheng. It had the photos of her when she was in college. And when she just got married, and her belly was getting bigger, she forced a smile even if she was in a bad mood. When she took a break after giving birth to the baby, she fell asleep holding the baby. When the baby was 6 months old, she held the baby and watered the flower on the balcony. When the baby was a year and a half, they had a family portrait. Song Shuang let her sit on his lap and held her. She was holding the baby at the same time. She smiled at the camera, and her ears turned red because she could feel his breath. It was then when she started to view Song Shuang differently and started to accept him. After she got married for two years, she stopped thinking about Cheng Bi's death and treated Song Shuang as her husband. Song Shuang married her after she got pregnant, watched her give birth to the baby, and took care of the baby for a year and a half. In more than two years, Song Shuang didn't cross the line. Even Qu Xiaobo, who knew the fact, questioned her whether it was a fake marriage. She even questioned Song Shuang's sexuality. When they had married for three years, Song Shuang proved that he was not gay with his action. But he told her that he could wait for her to accept himself before they started to get intimate. She actually felt sorry for letting Song Shuang take care of another man's child, so she told him to have his own child. But Song Shuang knew that she was in danger when she gave birth to the first kid, so he always got full protection. He didn't ask her to take pills or give her the chance to get pregnant accidentally. She even thought that if she was pregnant with Song Shuang's baby, she would give birth to it. But Song Shuang told her that one child was enough. But that kid was Cheng Bi's. And that kid died. Song Shuang was in charge of the surgery. Because he was in charge, the surgery which was supposed to have a high success rate failed. That put their marriage at risk. Everyone said that Song Shuang, the reputable physician, did that on purpose. And she was discharged during the surgery. She couldn't believe that Song Shuang intended to save the kid. If he really wanted to save her child's life, why did he change the time and performed the surgery without her? Why didn't he allow her to stay with her child? So she hated Song Shuang. Song Shuang killed her son.
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