Chapter Eleven - That is what my dirty dreams are made of...

1122 Words

Nolan’s P.O.V I woke to an empty bed and a banging headache. Where did she go? She is never up before me. I sighed, looking around for her but she was nowhere in sight. I hope this has nothing to do with what happened last night. The kiss we shared. I hope she is not feeling awkward about it. It was only a kiss, right? An exceptionally good one, but still just a kiss. It was one thing for me to tick off my list. It is pretty pathetic really. Nineteen and only just getting my first kiss. I sure as heck was not expecting it to be with Maya, that was for sure. As she said though, who better to share my first with than my best friend? I will not lie, the thought of that kiss made me smile to myself. I pushed it aside pulling my ass out of bed. I was trying to ignore the headache. I went to

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