Chapter 3: Getting out of dodge.

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Chapter 3: Getting out of dodge. Marshal p.o.v "s**t! Hold on boss, I've got a gun on my head!" He fiddled with the phone, when a guy's voice came through the speakers. "Look Marshal, I'll be honest with you here... My elders came up with the plan to have Chris planted and then just to off the girl and get out. While our organization doesn't normally touch women or children, in some cases an exception can be made... I didn't agree with their assessment and changed the plan, knowing that if we could turn her to our side, we could have high-value intel... If she had been his wife already , I wouldn't have had any choice but to follow their directive, but with her still unattached to the Morettis, I have leeway... I assure you with just what Chris has spoken so far, Kiara is safe within this family... Now remove your gun from my man's head! I understand what you heard is a little shocking and Kiara seems to mean something to you by the sound of this." "Yeah, she's like a little sister now, and I swear I will destroy anyone that opposes her safety. None of you fuckers know an inch of what this young woman has been through.. I've seen grown men break after being put through half of what she has." I interrupted him with a growl in my voice. I'm f*****g pissed. "Well, I give you MY assurance. I will protect her. Just lower your gun... NOW!" I heard the authority in his voice and almost submitted to his tone. "I will lower the gun but understand this, my loyalty will always be to my Queen... And just to make you aware, My Queen has her own people out there, so should something happen, a few simple words to the AI on this laptop and an alert WILL be sent to her people!" Yeah take that fuckers. My girl has been saving people all around and has them in places now to gather info when she requests. They all get payments, of course, but they are loyal to her. One thing I have learned is , all these nerds we tease and torment may not be able to physically fight, but can be very dangerous from behind a screen. "I would expect no less and respect where your loyalty lies." "He's lowered the gun, boss. No worries .. were only an hour away now according to the GPS." Chris shuts the phone down before turning to me. "Sorry about that. She is safe. I promise." He nods. We travel the rest of the way in silence. I kept an eye on her vitals as we had no monitors here with us. ********************************* Sometime later, we pulled up to such massive black iron gates. The fancy ones that millions or billionaires use. Chris leaned out his window saying a few words that I hadn't caught, before nodding and driving through the opening. A few minutes later, we arrived at one of the largest compounds I've ever seen. From the front, it's all fancy glass windows. I, however, do not miss the thickness of the glass. Yeah, them fuckers could stop 50 calabars for sure! A large guy stood out front with a few others all behind him. Even as a guy, I could see this guy was good looking. Why are all these mob or mafia guys all good-looking fuckers? Is it in their DNA so it will be easier to pull in their prey? f**k knows! I climbed out of the car and slid her out into my arms. So frigging light! Too light! I feel her squirm in my arms and groan out in pain. The meds are wearing off . "Don't know and don't care right now which one is the boss here... She needs a doctor, the meds and sedation are wearing off and she's in a hell of a lot of pain and considering how high her pain threshold is, it's got to be bad for her to groan!" I stood and faced them all waiting. The front guy nodded before signaling to follow him. Foloowing close behind him, I heard her voice for the first time in days. "Mash... Where?" She spoke. a far stretch from how she normally sounded by still soft as always. "With the Baracetti family, I got you out sis." I whispered back. They could all clearly hear us. "Full Prooo..Protection for ... all Hmmm my info .. Me ... You ... Give them all!" She said. I knew what kind of deal she wanted to strike. We have spoken about this many times. "No worries, as long as you're safe. I don't care what i have to do. I'll offer them everything we have. Try and rest, their doctors are gonna look you over and med you up again." I knew what she would say next. This is a new place and she has no trust in anyone but me. "Don't ... leave me alone! or no meds." Trust her to finally string a sentence together just to say that. "No worries, I'll stay with you. Your getting fully medicated, no need to suffer." We went into a bedroom by this point with the Doc pointing to lay her on the bed. I followed his orders and stayed close, watching what he was doing and listening to him as he spoke of her injuries. "Don't worry Doc ... I've survived worse." Kiara tried to put the doctor at ease. He had begun getting more and more distressed at the state she was in the further he went into his examination. But that Kiara through and through. Kind to a fault and tries to reassure everyone. "Kiara, shut up and let him do his job. It wasn't a small beating, those assholes were kicking the s**t outta you till Marcelus stopped them. Doctor?" I needed reassurance that the out doc had checked her properly. "Well, this girl has at least 2 broken ribs and, from the feel of her wrist, a fracture theirs too. The rest is bruising. I am concerned about her cheek bone. She needs x-rays done, but for now I can medicate her and she needs rest... I'll bring the portable x-ray by tomorrow once she's rested a bit. If I start now with her pain levels she's gonna squeal as I try and get the pictures I need for a full check." he stated as he started hooking up drips and I.V's to slowly administer the meds she needed. I held her left hand as she seemed to drift off again. Looking back, I can see Chris and the big guy in conversation over in what i assume would be the living room space in this bedroom. Walking over, I stood back and waited. "I think you had better sit and explain a few things and then we will take it from there." The big guy stated. I nodded and sat across from him. Looking over at Kiara, I knew I had to try my best to strike a deal for her safety and protection. Yeah, she had made the job a little easier by doing what she had but it was nowhere a done deal and the kind of protection she needs is normally only given to the Queen of a mafia family... But that is the thing, she is fit to be Queen of any family or even in her own right. Now I just need to convince one of the most successful and strongest families to give her what she needs without her having to do what I don't want her to have to do.
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