Chapter Three-2

2020 Words

‘“He is only interested in the results,” Lord Dorrington said. “You need not speak except in monosyllables. You can just appear stupid and ready to agree to anything that is suggested.” “I could not – let him – touch me,” Alyna whispered. “I cannot believe that your mother would allow him to do so,” Lord Dorrington said sharply. “Tell her quite clearly, Alyna, that you will not be left alone with the Prince. If he wishes to give you the ring he has spoken about, let him do it in her presence. And tell her – ” He thought for a moment and then he went on, “ – tell her you will make a scene unless she is in the room all the time that the Prince is there.” “Could I not go – away before dinner?” Alyna asked. “It would hardly give us time to get to the country, where I am taking you, befor

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