Welcome to the Asterism

1332 Words

Welcome to the Asterism   “You can’t sit with us,” the other stars said, cooling themselves in their starpool. “But why not,” Cassiopeia complained, feeling left out. “Tsk. You’re new here, aren’t you?” Schedar waved her away dismissively. She was tanned and full-breasted, with an aura of bright orange. A smaller star came close to Cassiopeia and offered her hand. She was thin and glowed white. “Hello, and welcome to the asterism. I’m Caph. Who are you?” Cassiopeia squinted against the brightness and tried to weigh the stars around her. She was the Seated Queen, more beautiful than the sea nymphs. She wasn’t gonna get rejected by these lazy stars, no matter how much older they were than she. She faked a smile and shook the delicate hand. “I’m Cassiopeia, Queen of Aethiopia. Nice to m

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